Chapter 7 - Morrigan

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We were all surrounded by a fire that wasn't burning us. Celena was on her knees, sobbing into her hands.

"Amren, what did you do?" Rhys hissed at her.

"There was only one way to get her to have a magical tantrum without telling her who I am." She replied, looking at Celena with her arms crossed.

Rhys's voice filled my head.

'You are the only one who can help her.'

'Are you sure?'

'Yes, her flames aren't hot, but if any of us comfort her we may just freak her out more, please.'

I stared at her for a little while before slowly making my way over. I knelt down next to her.


I got no response.

"Celena, please look at me."

She looked up, the gold in her eyes were like a living flame.

"I need you to breath Celena, you are safe here." I reached out and placed a gentle hand on hers.

"I can't feel the bottom, I can always feel the bottom." She whispered.

"It's ok, imagine putting a lid on your well, cutting it off from the rest of you." I wasn't too sure how else to help her, my power is different.

The flames began to get lower and lower until they winked out completely.

She collapsed against me and I held her close, running my fingers through her hair like Rhysand's mother did for me if I was scared or sad. She was shaking and the tears were still flowing.

"You're ok, you're free." I whispered to her over and over until the shaking and tears subsided and she relaxed against me.

I held her limp body to me, not wanting to let her go.

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