chapter 1

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   Every nation has trauma and they all have different ways of coping with it. One nation in particular decided to take a much more self destructive route. Over the past ten years America had fallen a lot deeper into his depression. He had began to grow dull as a person. The loud, boisterous, and overly confident personality calmed down and became quiet. Although this side was never showed to anyone. It hid behind a painted face, a mask, for his protection. refusing to let anyone know about this self destructive part of his identity. If they found out, what would happen to him? What would happen to them?

   They had a hand in helping the destruction grow; almost like a gardener watering a weed, letting it grow and kill the rest of the garden. Being taunted for so long, slowly killing the confidence that once grew. Yet forgiveness was a key trait of a hero. Wanting to be their hero, their defender; protecting them at every cost, giving all the time, energy, and care that he had. Even if he was seen as the villian, as their villian, he still sought to destroy what ever hurt or upset them. Growing weak from the effort of loving the unloving, and soon enough from his hatred of his own existence.

   It had been years since those horrible thoughts and words had begun plaguing  him. He ignored them in the begining, seeing as he was over confident and thought that they were just jealous of him. Soon he realized that wasn't the case, as their words became his thoughts. Their hatred of him and disgut of his being; The lingering stares always following even when far from them proved that. Once distain is known it cannot be forgotten. Now knowing of their true feeling, change was the first option. taking everything that he thought made him different, that annoyed others, that caused chaos; everything  that they disliked, was changed. He was going to pull out the weeds and let the garden grow.

    At first it started small, They didn't like how loud or how much he talked, so he quieted, even when the silence felt like it was eating him alive; They didn't like how he ate, it was to much, it had to many calories, or it was just gross and not the right time, so he started eating healthier and only ate at home.. Change was easy. It was natural, it happens all time. Unavoidable yet never the same, sometimes it can be wonderful and other times it will ruin everyting. Becoming a different person was easy, trying to keep yourself and the person you pretend to be separate is the hard part. Slowly that person starts to take over your life, you will start talking like that person even when you're alone, thinking like them, acting like them, becoming them until the person you were is no longer there. Until nothing of the person you were is left. Yet, you will always be seen as that person. You will always be you, that's something that can't be changed.

   Most people only saw him as america. The land of the free, home of the brave. America where people go to live a happy life. America where people don't know if they will be able to pay their bills next month, where children are scared to go to school, where nobody knows what to do.. The few friends he use to have might have seen him as Alfred, the human partof him, not the personification. Alfred the loud, happy-go-lucky, American.  Alfred the guy who loves horror movies, even though they scare him. Alfred the one that has nightmares. None of that matter anymore he pushed them away. They didn't deserve to be disliked because of him, t have to deal with his issues, and all the baggage that came with him.. he didn't want them to be hurt. He didn't want anyone to be hurt. As a hero you protect everyone, even if that means putting yourself in danger.

   They might see him as a villain or just as america, but he will always see them as family; the ones he would gladly give up his life for, the people he will always love. They were his family. They might not see him as such but he was ok with that. He would protect his family, even if it meant having to be their villan.

(Here is the first chapter of the remake. I'm going to try and post at least once a week. I hope this story is worth it. Enjoy!)

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