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Arianna's pov

I'm sitting in the kitchen with Miracle and Lila as we ate breakfast. We were trying to see how we could decorate our room. I don't know what happened since yesterday tho. They seem distant from me and whenever I try to talk they either talk over me. Or they'll just give me one-word answers.

I can't remember if I did anything thing wrong. I thought we had a lot of fun yesterday for our sleepover. "I'm going to watch a movie in the game room. Wanna come Miracle?" Lila asked.

"Sure," she said before sliding off of the stool.

"Can I c-" before I could finish they walked off. I tried to be positive and not overthink my way out of this friendship. They are closer to each other and I think they're older than me in little space. I guess I don't blame them.

I want to say it's nothing but I don't know. I decided to go up to the room, but when I opened it they rolled their eyes and groaned. I quickly closed the door and placed my back against the door. My eyes started to tear up as I ran away from the room. Deep breaths. Don't cry. Please don't cry.

I remembered the 4-7-8 breathing that Dominick taught me. I need to calm down. I don't understand what I did. What did I do for them to be mad? Daddy walked into the room and I quickly wiped my tears away.

"How are you doing today princess?" he asked.

"I'm doing fine." I sighed.

"Then why do you look so sad?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

"Nothing it's fine," I said sitting in his lap.

"Princess," he said sternly.

"All morning Miracle and Lila seem upset with me. I tried to go up and be with them they just rolled their eyes. I don't know what I did wrong. It just makes me really sad." I said sobbing into Daddy's chest. He hugged me tightly with one hand on the back of my head.

"Let's go talk to them then," he said.

"No! Then they'll know I told you and then it's going to be so much worse," I said.

"Okay fine, we won't. How about we pack for the visit at my parent's house? Would you rather that?" he asked, wiping my eyes.

"Mhm ya, we can do that," I said.

We walked to our room people kept coming by.

"Aww, Arianna what's wrong?" Gage asked.

"Oh no Arianna why are you crying?" Max asked coming right after.

"She hit her side really hard on the dresser." Daddy said.

"Damn that's the worse. I hope it doesn't bruise little lady," he said.

"Thank you," I said.

Daddy went into our room and sat me on the bed. He got out black and pink suitcases. "Alright let's pack. We have to have enough clothes for the week. Knowing my mom we'll need to buy a whole wardrobe." he said.

"With that, we're going shopping," he said.

"Yay! I love shopping." I squealed.

"Let's get dressed so that we can get back before lunch," he said.

"Can I pick my outfit again?" I asked.

"I don't know if that's a good idea. How about I choose it and then you can pick all the outfits we bring to my parent's house," he said.

"Okay," I said getting off the bed.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"Potty," I said before going into the bathroom.

I was going to pull off my pant when I realize I wet myself. I panicked because I don't want to worry Daddy. I didn't know what to do. I peaked out to find Daddy lying on the bed.

"Daddy, can you hand me my clothes? Pretty please." I said.

"Just come out what's the problem?" he asked.

I didn't say anything. He raised an eyebrow at me waiting for an answer.

"Princess I've changed, bathed you, and my personal favorite fucked you. It's nothing I haven't seen," he said. I felt my face get hot and he groaned.

"Here, whatever it is you know I'll figure it out anyway," he said handing me my clothes.

I began getting dressed and realized that he was right. I finished getting dressed and sat on the bed so Daddy could help with my shoes. He went to pick me up but I jerked back. He cocked an eyebrow at me and asked what's wrong.

"I want to walk," I said.

"Hmm okay," he said still suspicious of me. Once we got to the car I tried to get into the front.

"Ah ah, princess. You know you don't sit in the front," he said.

"Please." I frowned.

"How old?" he asked.

"Fine, I sit in the back," I said already knowing he'll say no. I tried to hoist my small build, up into the car but my upper body strength declined.

He tried to help me but I keep pushing him back. "Princess you can't even reach the car seat. Just let me help you it's not up for discussion anymore," he said.

I whined and just let him pick me. His hand touched right where my diaper was as he put me in my car seat. He buckled me in before letting me know he'll be back. He definitely knows.

Dominick's pov

Now I know why Arianna acting up. I guess she had an accident and needs her diapers again. Well, that's one thing now I need to figure out what's going on with Lila and Miracle.

I saw Lila and Miracle in the kitchen together as I walked into the house. I wanted to try and fix it myself but I wanted to respect Arianna. I'll only interfere if it lasts even after we go to my parents.

I grabbed some diapers from my room and put them in my hoodie sleeve. I walked out of the room when I bumped into Talon.

"My bad," I said.

"Nah man it's fine. I saw Arianna crying earlier, is she okay?" Talon asked.

"I wish I could tell you, but I promised Arianna I wouldn't interfere," I said.

"I understand. Maybe it has something to do with my problem. Lila has been distant all day." he said.

"Then our problems are somewhat similar. We can talk about it later, Arianna and I are going to the mall." I said.

"Why we just went yesterday?" he asked.

"Yea, but parent's house," I said.

"Already know, see you," he said as I walked back to the car.

I got to the car to find Arianna half-asleep. "I'm back princess," I said.

"Can we get food dada?" she asked.

"Sure, princess. We'll get some at the mall." I said.

She hummed an okay before going to sleep. I started the car and pulled out of the driveway.

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