"Intertwined yes," Hecate said, her fingertips twitching with navy sparks "But intertwined to the point where he dies and she lives. By binding their souls, I am giving them an equal existence at life. Neither one can survive without the other."

"Lucky for us, this girl happens to be a Wolf" She continued, giving my husband a mocking grin "A Wolf who, just so happens, has chosen a Mate."

"How is this lucky for us?" Hades gritted his teeth "Wolf bonds are chosen by a Goddess I'm not too fond with. Why do I care that this girl has a chosen mate when my son's life is on the line?"

Hecate let our a delighted laugh "Because my sweet, it so happens that you son dies for this Wolf, his Chosen Mate."

"How is that possible?" I gasped "We aren't wolves." 

She shrugged "Fates only know why they were mated together." 

"Who is this girl" Hades snarled "Which wolf pack does she come from?" 

Hecate snapped and a piece of paper landed in his hands. 

"A newborn" Hades snapped "My son is dying for a barely birthed newborn?" 

I glanced at the paper with the information on it "Serenity Matthews? Of the Matthews Pack?" 

Hecate nodded and I blanched at the familiar name. 

Both the Pack and my Husband and I had history with the deceased wolves of the Matthews Pack. 

History that was peacefully resolved when we granted them land in the Underworld that was free of our interference. 

The New Guardians of the Gate. 

"The Matthews Pack is rapidly growing every day" she said "It won't be long before they become one of the most feared packs in the Western Continent. It is strongly believed that she will be crowned the next Alpha by her twentieth birthday." 

"Why would we care about that" I shook my head. 

"Just wanted to remind you that your son isn't the only important one in the relationship" Hecate shrugged "This girl has the chance to change the world for all female Alphas." 

"Perform the spell" Hades hissed "I'll handle the rest." 

He left the room and I gave Hecate a look "Gather what you need but do not perform the spell until I return." 

She nodded and bowed "I will be back shortly." 

I quickly carried my sleepy son back to his room and tucked him into bed. 

I gave him a kiss on the forehead before exiting his room and running into my husband's office. 

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