~ Revisions and Collisions~

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“Fret not where the road will take you.
Instead concentrate on the first step. That’s the hardest part and that’s what you are responsible for.
Once you take that step let everything do what it naturally does and the rest will follow. Do not go
with the flow. Be the flow

Forty Rules of Love

"Anadil......." Come back to the Earth will you? Zafira shouted so loudly in my ear that my stapes and incus collided with my eardrum.

Meer Zafira, She is my best friend. We have been together for five years. Matriculated together.Went to the same college.I don't understand our friendship we are worlds apart yet joint together by the hip. She is quiet, I am loud, I am an extrovert, she doesn't express very well. Yet here we are apparently best friends but the friendship has become so toxic over the years that it's like a hollow tree ready to crumble any second. Anyways both were trying to keep it upright as long as possible

Anzala and Anumta both laughed at me. We three were the golden trio. I never referred them to as my best friends but they were so much more than that. They had my back ever since I was friends with them. They are the perfect partners in crime. My transport buddies and heart sisters.
We did everything together. Our friendship was the one everyone envied.

"Aow.. guyz I was thinking about today's test , wasn't it a bit hard? Iam so worried about it"

"You and your worries. You worry for nothing you sure would send you to an early grave Fattu" Anumta chimed in.

I am a bit chubby and everyone teased me for it but I decided not to care a long time ago as long as I get good grades I can be deformed for all I care.

We were sitting in the class waiting for the discussion of the test we had just taken . Our group sat together. Amunta and Anzalna were bickering about an question. Both were debating whether the answer was C or D. I sighed because I had marked a B.
Zafira was quiet as usual passing a few comments and smiles in between.

The boys sat on the other side of the classroom and were engrossed in their own discussions. Sometimes I am bothered by the snide remarks some of the witty boys passed during the lectures that interrupt the whole temperament of the class but usually I am cool because never have I ever encountered any unpleasant situation until now......

The lecture started and the Physics teacher ambled in. I was marking my wrong answers and was groaning because I can't handle getting too many wrong. Physics Sucks. The answer to the question they were bickering on was B and I gave them a smug smile and they gave me an annoyed one in return.

Suddenly the teacher announced an answer and it didn't match mine. I saw the question and was bewildered. I was so damn sure of it. Oh my God. The coating on the non stickcookware is Teflon. It can't be wrong.I raised my hand and asked the teacher if he was sure he told us the right option. He double checked and realized he mistakenly told us the wrong option. I was relieved. If this question had gone wrong I would have gone nuts

Suddenly someone from the boys raised his hand.I turned to see who it was. It didn't take me a second look to realize who it was

It was Mr Izhan Malik

The witty nerd with looks of Adonis and blood group Flirt Positive.

The teacher acknowledged him and he spoke

"Sir how does the non stick coating stick to the pan"

The whole class went silent for a minute and then burst into laughter
The teacher also laughed a little.

I was dumbfounded , serious or not the question was legit. The next thing that happened shocked me.

The teacher said " I don't know that ,can anyone answer the question ? Maybe Miss Anadil? Can you answer that?".

I didn't know that oh God. Anumta , Zafira and Anzalna snickered beside me. I stood there tongue tied and looked towards the person who was the cause of this second hand embarrassment.

And the audacity he smirked at me

My alarms went off and I got in defensive mode. I thought of a quick answer and guessed the answer trying my luck

" Sir its due to an induced chemical reaction on one side of the teflon that sticks it to the pan"

In the meantime sir has also Googled it and to my utter surprise my answer was correct. Yayy take that.

Sir asked for a round of applause for me and i blushed from the praise. Such a sucker for appreciation I am. Then I looked towards that demon and now its my time to smirk.

When I sat Anzalna said " Hey look out there's a worm sitting next to me , The worm that ate the book"

I faked a haha towards her and mouthed "lame " she smirked in return .

Next was English . To my delight I got all the answers correct. That's mainly because Iam a bibliophile and reading enhances my English and Vocabulary. When the teacher asked who got all of them correct two hands were raised and guess who managed to get all of them correct

Mr Nonstick Pan

He is a bibliophile too. I have seen him reading books in between breaks.

I am more of a soft copy reader. I cant read hard copies of books. I am slightly at disadvantage because of this but once you start reading soft copies there's no going back. It saves MONEY. Download anything and everything in just a second yayyyy.

The last class ended and we all got the bus home.Its always a noisy affair.We all bicker a lot. And here we are me and Zafira bickering over something and Anzlna and Anumta taking sides. Then we started exchanging lame pickup lines and shower thoughts. It's a great time always heading home.

So here it is guys the first chapter
Show some love 😘
Till then Adios 🌟

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