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The woman has white hair, styled. Big black sunglasses lay on her face and a black coat wrapped tightly around her body.

Five slowly walks toward her, still tightly holding on to Y/Ns wrist.

"Hello, Five. You look good, all things considered." Her smile sends a shiver down both Five and Y/Ns spine. The Handlers eyes go to Y/N

"And you must be Eight. It is great to finally meet you." She raises her hand for Y/N to shake. Hesitant, Y/N takes it.

"It's Y/N..."  She gives a glare at the woman.

"It's good to see you again." Five says, breaking the passive-aggressive glare from Y/N.

"Feels like we only met yesterday. Of course, you were a little older back then. Congregations on the new age regression. Very clever. Threw us all off scent." 

"Ah, well, I wish I could take credit

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"Ah, well, I wish I could take credit. I miscalculated the time dilation projections and here I am." Five smiles sarcastically at her.

"You realize your efforts of futile. So why don't you tell me what you really want?"

"I want to put a stop to it." Five snaps patiently.

"You know that what you are asking for is next to impossible, even for me. What is meant to be is meant to be." The woman shrugged.

"Yeah?"Five says.

He lets go of Y/Ns wrist and pulls a pistol from his pocket and points it right at her.

"You can try. But I'll just be replaced. I'm but a...small cog in a machine. This fantasy you have been nurturing about summoning your family to prevent the apocalypse is just that. A fantasy. I must say though, we are all quite impressed with your initiative, your...sick-to-itiveness, is really quite something. Which is why we want to offer you and Number 8 a new position back at the commission. In management."

Five knits his eyebrows together.

"I'm sorry, what's that now?"

"Come back and work with us Five. You know it's where you belong. Where both of you belong." He smiles at Five and Y/N.

"Well, that didn't really work well  out last time." Five says, annoyed.

"But you wouldn't be in correction division any longer. I'm talking about the home office. You'd have the best health and pension, and even an end to this ceaseless travel. You are a distinguished professional in...schoolboy shorts."

The woman turns her attention to Y/N.

"And you, Eight. We do think that your abilities will make you excellent on the field. You would do just outstanding." 

Her hand reaches out and brushes a strand of Y/Ns hair behind her ear.

"Don't touch her." Five growled, pulling Y/N behind him.

The Handler chuckled.

"Looks like you have a protective one, don't you?" She asks. Y/N just glared at her.

The Handler goes on.

"We have the technology to reverse the process. You children can't be happy like this." She says pitifully.

"We're not looking for happy" Five snaps, still hovering his arm in front of Y/N.

"We are all looking for happy. You are looking for it with this little one right here." The Handler says sweetly, pointing to Y/N.

Five pauses, seeming suspicious.

"What about my family...?" He asks.

"What about them?" The Handler says.

"I want them to survive." Five growls.

The Handle looks around a look of disgust on her face.

"All of them?" she says.

"Yes, all of them." Y/N snaps, stepping forward.

"Well...I'll see what I can do. Now, do we have a deal?" The woman looks between Five and Y/N. She gives her hand out of Five to shake.

"One thing." Five says.

He walks toward the frozen figures of Hazel and Cha-Cha, grabbing their guns and unloading them. He throws the ammo to the left and the guns to the right. 

Then, he readjusts a bullet that was going to hit Luther to go right by him

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Then, he readjusts a bullet that was going to hit Luther to go right by him.

Five grabs Y/N's hand tightly, squeezing it for reassurance to say everything will be alright. Y/N squeezes his hand back.

Then, Five shakes the hand of satan themselves.

How do you guys like the 3rd person POV? Should I switch back to Y/Ns pov? Whichever one has more votes I'll do lmao. Luv you <3


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