Chapter Twenty Eight

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"Ready?" Peter asked nervously before stepping into Flash's garden. "Yep." I replied and we walked through the garden and knocked on the door. A woman who appears to be a maid opened the door. "Hi, how can I help you." She asked with a smile. "Hi, we're Flash's friends from school, is he here?" I asked with a smile. "Yes, one moment." She replied and disappeared. Flash appeared in front of us looking panicked. "What are you two doing here?" He said is a hushed toned. "We were just wondering if you wanted to hang out." Peter said still keeping up the act. "Eugene, who is it?" A mans voice echoed from the house. "Just my friends father." Flash replied. "What friends?" his father asked. "Uh." He said. "Speak up boy." The man said. "Peter and Y/N." He said very hesitantly. Me and Peter looked at each other. "I haven't met these friends, I'll be there in a second to meet them" The man said. "You guys need to go now." Flash said. We nodded and turned around to walk out the gate but two men stepped in front of the gate. "I don't think so." They said. "Don't even think about flying away." A voice came from behind us, we turned and saw a man with Flash behind him. "Y/N Stark, we finally meet." The man said. "Father don't." Flash said. "Hush Eugene. Luke Thompson is the name. " He replied. "Also don't worry about your little Avenger friends they think your having a nice little conversation with Eugene, thanks to Quinten Beck." A man appeared to our side. He held up a tablet that showed what looked like we were talking to Flash at the door still. "Drones, it's awesome right?" Beck said. I could see Peter trying to stop the urge to agree. "What do you want?" I asked. "What do you think?" Luke replied standing closer to me. "You can't have them." I replied. "Don't worry dear, we don't just want your powers, you will do quite nicely." He replied and the two men from behind us grabbed my arms, I felt something attach to my wrist. "And that will stop you from escaping." He said with a chuckle. "Let's go, leave the boys, they're pretty much useless, thanks Eugene for bringing them here, you can be of some use sometimes." Luke said.

Third Person

The men shoved Y/N inside a van and got in while, while Luke and Beck got in the front and they drove off, the drones following, making it appear as though its a regular car with a family inside. "You did this." Peter said to Flash with tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry okay, I didn't have a choice." Flash replied. Peter grabbed his phone and called Tony. "Mr Stark she's gone." Peter said. "WHAT?" Tony yelled. "I'm sorry." Peter said while crying. "Just get back here with the other kid." Tony said and hung up. 

*Back at the compound*

Tony was sat on a chair with his head hanging down trying not to cry. "What's going on we heard shouting." Nat asked walking in with the Avengers. Nobody said anything. "What happened?" Bucky asked sternly. "Y/N was captured." Maria said. Gasps came from everyone. Bucky looked very angry. "You said all eyes were on them and that they would be fine." He said angrily. "There was, but it looked completely normal to us, but then the illusion killed and it was just Peter and Flash." Fury said. "Illusion tech?" Bruce asked. "It would appear so." Fury responded. "Tony... there's only one other person besides you who had access to that sort of stuff." Bruce said. "Quinten Beck..." Tony said. "Who's that?" Nat asked. "Someone who worked for me a few years ago, I fired him which could be why he's helping them." Tony replied. "Damn you Stark, you and your enemies." Steve said irritated. "Sorry I can't predict the future. If you aren't aware cap I'm not a wizard." Tony said standing up and walking towards Steve. "Alright we're not doing this again." Nat said separating them. "We need to get her back." Bucky said. "Agreed." Tony replied. "Hi." A small voice came from the door. Everyone turned to see Peter stood there with Flash. "Flash thanks for joining us, this way please." Maria said guiding Flash to a room. "I'm so sorry." Peter said crying. "Hey, come here." Nat said giving Peter a hug, "This isn't your fault, Right Tony?" Nat asked. "Right." Tony said. "So believable Tony." Wanda said. "Nobody could have predicted what happened to happen." Steve said. "But I could have stopped them but I didn't." Peter said. "You were protecting your identity it's okay." Nat said still holding him. "But Y/N is worth more than that." Peter replied. Everyone was quiet. "I got word that a van just appeared at the location of the Hydra base, we need to get moving now before something bad happens." Fury said. "Suit up." Steve said.

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