Chapter Twenty Three

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Your POV

Time for games night, me and Bucky walked into the living room. Carol walked up to me as Bucky sat down. "Hey, thought I'd introduce myself, since everyone was incapable apparently." She said laughing. "I'm Carol.", she said smiling. "I'm Y/N." I said smiling back. "You did very well during the fight, I'm impressed." She said. " Thanks, You did awesome, I've never seen anyone so powerful." I replied. "Thanks, but my senses tell me your stronger than me you just don't know it yet. Come on let's join the others." She said, and we made our way to the sofas. I sat next to Bucky and he put his arm around my waist. "Since we don't have to hide anymore." He whispered. "It feels weird" I whispered back laughing. He smiled. 

"Alright since the ladies won, what game shall it be?" My dad said. "How about monopoly?" Peter asked. "NO!" Everyone said at the same time. "Why?" Peter asked. "Last time we played it we all stopped talking for a whole day, which was hard considering we had a mission right afterwards." Wanda said. "Well, don't blame me. It was Y/N." Peter said. "How was it my fault, your the one who started it by cheating." I replied. "That's because you wouldn't give me the money when you landed on my property." He said. "That's cause you were in jail, when your in jail you don't get the money, it's in the rule book." I replied. "Alright, lets not start this up again." Steve said. "How about truth or dare?" Nat asked. "That sounds like fun." Wanda replied. We all agreed to to play truth or dare.

"Clint, truth or dare?" Nat asked Clint. "Dare." He replied. "I dare you to take a shot." She said. "Pfft easy." Clint said downing a shot. "Tony, truth or dare?" Clint asked my dad. "Truth." My dad said. "Tell us something you were embarrassed for that Y/N did growing up." Clint said. "Hey, why is this about me?" I said. "Curious." He replied. I rolled my eyes. "She used to be obsessed with Twilight." My dad groaned. "Really? that never stopped." I said laughing. "What's twilight?" Bucky asked. "I'll explain later." I replied laughing. "Sometimes I question if your my daughter or not." My dad said. "Tony, she acts just like you, there is no questioning." Nat replied laughing. Everyone laughed. "Steve. Truth or dare?" My dad asked. "Truth." Steve said. "Ooo getting to know some gossip I'm sensing." Wanda said. "Is there anything going on with you and Romanoff?" My dad asked. "No there is not." Steve said. "So you weren't flirting with each other before I walked into the gym?" My dad said. "No, Wanda said that to cover up for those idiots." Steve replied referring to me and Bucky. "Steve, come on." Bucky said.  "Wow Steve, really getting on my last nerve today aren't you?" I said annoyed. "Y/N enough." My dad said. I rolled my eyes. "Anyway... Bucky, truth or dare?" Steve asked. "Dare." Bucky said. "I dare you dance." Steve said. "Really? Okay." Bucky said and stood up and did a funny dance. Everyone was dying of laughter. He eventually sat back down. "Didn't know you were a 10/10 dancer." I said laughing. "I'm a man of many skills doll." he said smiling and putting his arm back around my waist.

"Peter, Truth or dare?" Bucky asked Peter. "Truth." Peter replied. "Since your spider man, Are you afraid of spiders?" Bucky asked. "Yes! They are creepy." Peter replied. "I agree with that." I said. "Me too." Wanda added. "Y/N, truth or dare?" Peter asked me. "Uh dare." I said. "I dare you to tell everyone the story of..." He paused, probably to be dramatic. "... the my little pony nightmare." he said referring to the time my dad had a nightmare about my little ponies when I was 6. I laughed, "Alright." I said. "Y/N No." My dad said. Me and Peter started laughing. "Why not? It's funny." I said trying to breathe. "It's not." My dad replied acting serious. "What's wrong with the story that scares your father little Stark?" Thor asked. "Cause he was the one with the nightmare." I said still laughing. "What is a my little pony?" Loki asked. "It's a basically a small doll horse." I replied showing Thor and Loki pictures of them from google on my phone. "Oh, and you were afraid of this Stark?" Thor said to my dad with a raised eyebrow. "You don't understand, she had at least a thousand of them, and they covered the whole apartment, everywhere I went I saw one. The shower, boom pony. My bed, boom pony. The kitchen, boom pony." my dad said and the room was quiet for a second before everyone burst into laughter. "At least we know what to get Tony for Christmas now." Sam said. My dad sighed, "I hate you all." My dad said. "We love you too dad." I said trying to stop laughing. 

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