From, Through, and To [10/28/20]

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Romans 11:36
For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen.

All things come from God. He is the creator of all. He knew each and every one of us before we were conceived. He is the beginning. KB also puts it well: All of our glory, fame, skill, talent, and wealth is borrowed. This goes for everyone in creation! Again: ALL things come from God.

All things continue to live through Him and because of His mercy, according to His providence. He is not only the beginning of life but the sustainer of life, and everything that happens on this earth plays into His design.

And finally, all things will return to Him. Every little thing in this world, temporary as it is, serves on purpose: to fulfill the plan that God formed at the beginning of time. Through Him all things have their end---in other words, their reason and purpose, their means and their end.

Jesus is the beginning, the center, and the end of all things!

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