Chapter Twenty Two

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"Me and Blossom are dating."

Those words caused Yoongi's world to fall apart. His heart immediately felt pain, he tried to ignore it and stay calm but as he continued to sit there and listen to you talk the pain in his heart became worse.

He couldn't breathe, he felt so suffocated not being able to take it anymore Yoongi stood up from his seat and stormed out of the room, slamming the door shut behind him as he leaned against the wall trying to calm his breathing down.

He didn't understand it then, but now he did. It didn't take a genius to understand why his heart was hurting so much. He didn't want to believe it then, but he believed it now...

He was in love with you...

He had fallen in love with you...

He was too late to realize it...

He was too late to tell you... and because he was too late, he had lost his chance, and now you had another man calling you his.

He just wanted to yell and scream his heart out, he just wanted to cry and let all the emotions he had bottled up inside out but it was sad knowing he couldn't do that. If he did he would ruin everything.

You were in love with Namjoon and if he were to let his emotions out, it would ruin your relationship with Namjoon and it would ruin his friendship with you. He couldn't do that, you had been through so much that you deserved all the happiness in the world, even if it meant he wasn't the one making you happy.

A bitter chuckle left his lips, his mother always told him that you shouldn't sacrifice your happiness for others but yet here he was with an aching heart deciding to let the first woman he had loved so much go.

He walked away wanting to be alone to clear his head. He would continue loving you from a distance just like how he had been doing all this time, he would still be there for you but it was best he started to distance himself from you.

He didn't want to be away from you, considering the fact that he is in love with you but he knew that if he decided to stay by your side all the time it would not be good for his heart.

He knew that doing this would have its consequences, but if for the women he loves he would do anything for her as long as she was happy.

On the other hand, everyone was still congratulating you and Namjoon. They were all happy for you but deep down in Hoseok, Jungkook, and Taehyung's hearts they were all shocked and confused.

The three of them had been so sure that you and Yoongi would end up together. They weren't blind, they saw the way the both of you looked into each other's eyes and they saw how you brought out a side of Yoongi that they had never seen before.

And with the way they had seen Yoongi storm out of the room, they were sure that Yoongi had thought the same.

‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

You sat in your first lecture hall, waiting for Yoongi to arrive so that you could hopefully talk to him. It had been a few days since everyone found out about your relationship with Namjoon and you hadn't talked nor seen Yoongi since he stormed out of the room.

You had even called him a few times but he never picked up, it all felt like he was purposely ignoring you and you weren't sure why. All you knew was that you were missing him and his presence.

You were lost in thought when your phone vibrated, you quickly took out your phone and saw that Jimin had texted you.

Jiminie: Make sure to pay attention in class! And no funny business with Namjoon! Or else I'll come to the campus!

You laughed reading his text message. Jimin had gotten discharged from the hospital yesterday morning but had to stay at home since it was the doctor's order he rest for a few more days before carrying on with normal activities.

Blossom: okay okay! If you need anything call me, okay?

Jiminie: I sure will :)

You heard the door of the classroom opening so you quickly looked up and sure enough, you saw Yoongi walking in with a blank expression. He walked over and sat in his usual seat which was right next to you.

"Good morning..." You quietly greeted him. He hummed and greeted you back as well but after that, he stayed quiet.

"What have you been doing? I've called you a couple of times but you never picked up."

"I was busy." He shortly replied which had taken you aback. Something was off about Yoongi. You knew that for a fact but you just weren't sure what it was that was bothering him. You tried figuring out what it was but with his blank facial expression and cold eyes it was impossible to figure it out.

It bothered you and it did hurt you seeing the way he was acting towards you, but you didn't show it. Letting him be you grabbed your notebooks and got ready for when Mr. Lee comes but you were easily distracted when you heard a rattling, confused look up and saw Yoongi holding a medication bottle.

He took two pills out of the bottle before swallowing them with the help of water, curious as to why he was taking medication you asked,

"What are those for?" He quickly puts the bottle back into his bag and replies,

"They're for my allergies." You nodded understanding that it was now spring and a lot of people's allergies got worse around this time since flowers were beginning to bloom.

But at the back of your head, something just didn't feel...



A/n: I was supposed to go to physical school today but had to stay home because I suddenly had an allergic attack :)) And besides that my jaw and throat is swollen :]

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