Chapter 1

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^^ Elara

I'm sure by now you've must've heard it all. I'm not gonna tell you my life is even remotely interesting because let's are honest it's not. I'm just like every other 17 years old who's been stuck in the same house for all those years barely getting a chance to set foot out of the property line.

Just me? Oh.

Sometimes I wish it could be different but I understand why. Some days I sit on my balcony and just listen to the sound of the city. It's just out of my reach.

Romanticizing New York City is probably not the best idea seeing as I know what goes on behind the scenes of the bright lights and happy faces in Times Square.

I can't help it sometimes though. I'm right outside of the city and all I want to do spend a day there.

"Elara," I turned my head to the sound of my name being called out. It was my mom. I heard her footsteps get closer and she appeared in the doorway. "I need you to come with me." I nodded and got up from my ledge. She waited for me to get closer before walking down the hallway to the library.

Did I not finish my reading? I know I skimmed the last few pages but how could she know that.

She opened the door revealing my father and one of his associates let's say. They were sitting down with a huge map laid out. As we got closer, I noticed parts on the map was circled in red ink.

"What's going on?" I was beyond confused.

"Your mother and I have been talking and we think it's time you help out a little more with the business. You'll be 18 in a few months."

"So what does that mean?"

"You're going to leave the house. But not until after you're 18." I don't know what else he had said after that but I just knew I'd finally be leaving. For a little bit at least. I could breathe some new air and see new faces.

"Elara are you listening?" I looked at my mom who had a certain look on her face and then turned my attention back to my dad. He was pointing to a few spots on the map.

"You will be going to these places when I say. We'll talk more when the time is closer. Until then I want you to continue with your studies and don't do anything stupid." I nodded, maybe a bit too enthusiastically because they seemed to look worried about something.

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