Talking a deep breath, she was about to start walking back to the main room when she heard something that made her heart palpitate. "Wu... down," she heard a mutter from the other side of the door.

That was her family. Someone was messing with her family. It made her blood boil as she kicked the door open with her foot. "Hey, bozos," Ki crossed her arms, watching carefully as two men shoved her unconscious cousin into a laundry cart. They turned around, surprised at the sudden, new voice, but smirked once they realized it was only the Queen. "Let my cousin go."

The man scoffed, "hey, would you look at this," the leader of the group said to his friend. "She came straight to us, we didn't even need that ransom. Kuvira is bound to give us a promotion after bringing her the Queen."

Ki raised an eyebrow, seriously debating whether Kuvira had sent a hit on her— but shrugged it off as she didn't put it past her. Glancing to the bathroom door, she considered running out and getting Mako for help, but ultimately decided she could do this herself. After all, she had dealt with worse before.

"Just let him go," Ki almost growled with anger. She took a step forward, pulling her arms away from her chest and readying herself in a fighting position.

The man laughed at her, like she were just a silly little girl. "Oh," he taunted. "Don't even try it. This could get messy."

"You didn't bring enough people for messy," Ki said sharply before lunging at him in anger.

She pushed the cart that held Wu out of the way, ducking under one of the men as he swung at her. He tried to spray some substance in her face, but she swung her foot around— making the bottle shatter on the floor.

In a swift movement, she dodged another fist, throwing a towel over the substance so she could avoid breathing in too much of the fumes.

One of the guys grabbed her from her waist as she let her guard down, only for her to swing her body through his spread legs and flip him over— rolling him onto his back.

As the other guy lunged at her, she jumped away quickly, making him fall on top of the other one. While this fight scene was playing out, she didn't notice another man take the cart with her cousin in it— wheeling him out of the bathroom.

Eventually, the fumes became to much— making her cough. She got dizzy, catching herself with rough hands on the counter. Glancing over, through her dazed eyes, she saw the two men were knocked unconscious, but she didn't see her cousin.

"Ugh," she groaned, trying to snap herself out of this fog— to find the Prince. "Dammit," she muttered, slamming her hand in anger.

Mako and Asami opened the door, "Wu, you in here?" He asked shortly, but then stopped as he saw the scene in front of him. Two men were knocked out, all bruised and bloody on the floor, and Ki was shakily standing against the sink—visibly untouched.

"What happened in here?" Asami questioned her quickly, running to her side in worry. "Are you okay?"

Ki simply nodded, "don't breathe in the air," she tried to push the girl out— but was still growing weak. "Get out, don't breathe."

The two helped her out, as she was on the verge of losing consciousness. "They got Wu," she said softly, barely able to hold her head up. "One of them must have snuck him out while I was... distracted."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2021 ⏰

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