chapter six

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Before the Coronation
something bad's about to happen

It was a sudden attitude change for Prince Wu as they sat in City Hall amongst the morning dew

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It was a sudden attitude change for Prince Wu as they sat in City Hall amongst the morning dew. He waved his arms around wildly, demanding something or another from the workers as they prepped for his cousin's coronation.

Ki, on the other hand, was intent on finishing yet another book. This one, in particular, was written by a Professor at Ba Sing Se University years ago, analyzing the roles of the Dai Li and the government.

Sitting beside her was Mako, who tiredly listened to the Prince drone on about his visions for the upcoming festivity. "So then the crowds are gathered, all excited to see Ki's coronation, when all of a sudden, these boulders come rolling through," he explains over-animatedly— like a show host.

"And guess what pops out of 'em? Earth-bender dames! These gals start banging the boulders like drums, and sing the song of our royal lineage. It's the most dynamite six-hour show you'll ever see in your life," he pronounced proudly.

Mall shrugged in a bored gesture, taking a glance over to Ki who was so engrossed by her reading that she hadn't even paid a single mind to what her cousin was spewing. "Wu," Mako started curiously. "I thought you were mad you weren't going to be king. Why are you all excited now?"

Wu sighed, placing his hand over his chest. "Now, now, now," the Prince says. "I was upset, but that was before. Since I don't have any duties to fulfill anymore it'll just be me and you— two kooky pals, living the life!"

As he slung his arm around Mako's shoulder, the officer shrunk into himself. "Yay," he said sarcastically at the thought of spending any more time with the Prince.

Catching the attention of Wu, he runs over to where President Raiko approached, leaving the Queen and the bodyguard to sit in a uncomfortable silence. Mako cleared his throat and the action drew the girl away from her book with an expectancy.

"Um..." Mako started unsurely. "I didn't get to tell you yesterday... but— uh, I thought what you said at the conference was... really... good."

Ki flushed at his compliment, placing her book down in her lap with a single finger between the yellowing pages— holding her place. "Thank you," she almost whispered. "I don't think I would've been able to get out of that car if it weren't for you, though. You were right, you know? I wasn't afraid to say what I wanted because you were right."

He tore his eyes away from her quickly, feeling his face burn up in some type of embarrassment. It felt good, if he were being honest, to get some type of reassurance— or gratification— that he was doing a well at his job. "Well... you know..." he drifted off, unsure. "It kind of was your words... about how everyone can have different opinions. Like... I, no offense, but when I first met you I thought you were going to be like him," Mako gestured to Prince Wu who was spinning in circles, living out his daydream.

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