And not just his mind, his phone was buzzing for a few minutes as well but Karl didn't bother to pick it up. Just then, it started ringing. Again, he didn't bother to pick it up but as soon as it stopped ringing, his curiosity grew inside of him. He outstretched his arm to reach the phone, a groan escaping his mouth as he realized that he really needs to stand up to get it. A bright screen caused him to narrow his eyes and he quickly turned down the brightness to read anything on his phone. Of course it was Quackity.

Hey, man. You need to come over ASAP


Karl, really I'm not joking

The brunet couldn't read anything more because suddenly Quackity called him again. Karl picked up instantly.

"Quackity, I'm sorry I was watching... never mind, are you alright? Did something happen?", his voice was genuine full of concern, he felt so bad for not answering Quackity sooner.

"Yeah, don't worry about me, I am fine but Sapnap isn't".

Karl bit his lip. He somehow knew that it was probably something about Sapnap. There was always something with him and he somehow always ended up by Karl. When Karl didn't answer, Quackity continued: "He's drunk and he knocked on my door again as if I am his lover out of a high school movie. Get your ass over here because this ass here can't stop talking about your ass".

You could hear an offensive 'that's not true!' out of the background and the taller boy bit the inside of his cheeks out of nervousness.

"Can I talk to him?", Sapnap's soft voice appeared to be louder than before and Karl felt the flutter in his stomach.

"Karl? He wants to talk with you?".


"Are you still there?".

The brunet took a deep breath before he said something that he'd maybe regret later: ,,Yeah".

He heard the phone getting passed to another person and Karl's grip on his own phone tightened.

"Karl?", Sapnap's voice was so soft, so vulnerable.

"Hey, Sapnap. Is everything alright, are you alright?", the taller boy's throat was raw and he needed to swallow a few times to choke out some words.

"I want to see you. Can I come over? Please, little let me come over", he babbled.

He definitely was drunk.

Karl closed his eyes to avoid all the feelings coming up again, all the feelings that he had been shoving down for so long lately. He shouldn't let him come over, it'd only hurt him again. Yet, his heart told him otherwise and Karl was always a person to listen more to his heart, even if it'd break it again.

"Only for a few minutes. My mum is sleeping, so be quiet. I'll open my window", and with that he ended the call.

His feet quickly brought him up to his room and his hands were shaking as he opened the window. He saw a silhouette on the pathway, how it slowly walked up to his house. Then, the silhouette lifted his arm up and waved at Karl.

"Hey, little one", Sapnap screamed.

"I told you to be quiet!", the brunet hissed and took a few steps back, to let the other boy in.

He landed softly on the floor and straightened up, before he lifted his head only to lock eyes with the taller boy. There was a huge silence where they were just looking at each other and Karl intertwined his fingers again, nervously playing around with them just like he always does. The green eyes slipped down to them.

"Are you nervous?", Sapnap asked.

"Why are you here?", Karl crossed his arms to somehow look not nervous, while he was shaking on the inside.

"I wanted to see you", his voice was again, so low, so quiet and just so soft. It was too soft for Karl not to melt and he tried his best to fight against it.

"You're definitely drunk", the brunet scoffed and started to walk around in his room, just to find something to distract him.

"I'm not".

"You definitely are! You only do this when you're drunk. You're only letting your heart win over your brain when you're drunk! You only accept yourself truly who you are when you're drunk!", the words just stumbled out of Karl's mouth but in the end, he didn't regret anything of what he just said. Probably because everything was true.

"I know", Sapnap whispered.

"What the...", he breathed and just drove his hands through his brown hair, sighing in frustration afterwards. "What do you want from me, Sapnap?", he added.


Karl slightly shook his head and chocked out a broken laugh. He can't be serious.

"Sap, this is nothing to make fun about. I-I...", he stopped himself only to stand up and walk around in his room again. "You said to me that the kiss didn't mean anything this morning! This morning, Sapnap! I don't believe you, I'm sorry but I don't".

The smaller boy outstretched his arm to stop Karl from running nervously around in his room. The brunet sighed again and closed his eyes as he felt Sapnap's hand softly on his upper arm.

"I want you, Karl", he whispered again.

"You're drunk, that's it. You don't know what you want", the taller boy didn't dare to look up, to get lost in the green eyes.

"I want a second chance", his voice was so, so quiet and only for Karl to be heard.

And in that moment, Karl's heart was dancing around in his chest, doing so many flips just because of the little touch of Sapnap, just because of him being there and talking to him. It was naive to actually believe the words Sapnap just had said, to actually believe some drunk words.

This time he wouldn't let him go near his heart again. He'd give him another chance but only to see if he can sometimes be reliable, to see if he actually wants this. No feelings involved for Karl this time, no, he'd be the one to shut them out because he could not handle to get let down again.


Hey, thank you for reading chapter nineteen! I hope you like it :D Stay healthy <3

Twitter for updates: cyleedd

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