"We went for a swim together,he's so handsome isn't he?"Seojun bragged to Jugyeong.Jugyeong nodded,agreed with his statement."Well,I'm so lucky to have a handsome boyfriend like you,i'm so sorry if i hurt a single and lonely heart like you",Seojun lowkey showing off and teasing Jugyeong at the same time.

Jugyeong arched her eyebrow to Seojun,"did you just make fun of me?",she asked with her annoyed tone.Seojun tried to hold his laugh as he patted Jugyeong's head,"i hope you will find someone for you..but still if you find one,they will never beat my lovely handsome kind smart charismatic Suho",Seojun gave a pity look to Jugyeong.

Jugyeong was so annoyed at the same time jealous of him.She felt her ears burning listening to him bragging nonstop about Suho,it's not like he's the same as his boyfriend duhh.

Jugyeong rolled her eyes then took his phone from his hands,began scrolling the photos by herself.

Jugyeong rolled her eyes then took his phone from his hands,began scrolling the photos by herself

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"When is this?",she asked.Seojun leaned forward to look at the photo,"owh we went to watch a baseball match together,baseball date time!"Seojun replied cheerfully while Jugyeong huffed in annoyance as she scrolled down again.

Seojun leaned forward to look at the photo,"owh we went to watch a baseball match together,baseball date time!"Seojun replied cheerfully while Jugyeong huffed in annoyance as she scrolled down again

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"How about this?",she asked.

"Owh this one!Suho helped me and my mother do some dumplings for dinner.I do look charismatic from that photo",Seojun complimented himself while Jugyeong ignored him,proceed scrolling the gallery.

I do look charismatic from that photo",Seojun complimented himself while Jugyeong ignored him,proceed scrolling the gallery

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"How about this?"

"Owh Suho took this pho— aargghhhhhhh!!!",Seojun screamed as he took away his phone from Jugyeong's hands.Jugyeong laughed loudly while Seojun put his phone back to his pocket.

"You're wearing tiger underwear aren't you?",she pointed her finger directly to make fun of him.

"No i'm not",Seojun denied even though he knows Jugyeong saw the picture clearly.

"Yes you are"

"No i'm not"

"Yes you are"

"No i'm not"

Jugyeong hold her mouth,felt hurt from laughing too much while Seojun was blushed red of embarrassment.Maybe its a karma because of him making fun of her being single.

"Tiger underwear!Tiger underwear!Roar!",Jugyeong teased him as she ran to the kitchen before Seojun ran back to catch her.He's so done of being a fool to himself.

- -

"Thank you!",both Seojun and Jugyeong thanked their manager and walked out from the cafe together.

"So you have plans after this?",Seojun asked.Jugyeong shooked her head,"nuhh i'm going back home",she answered."I can give you a ride",Seojun offered to her.Jugyeong checked her watch,she might have to wait for half an hour for the bus so she decided to accept the offer.

They walked together to Seojun's bike as he passed Suho's helmet to her,"this is Suho's,don't let any scratches or you have to pay for it",Seojun reminded her but lowkey more like a warning.Jugyeong sneered at him,"you really love him so much tho",she said.

- -

Seojun parked his bike near Jugyeong's house as she unbuckled the helmet and gave it to Seojun."Thank you",she thanked and waved goodbye to Seojun.As she walked to her gate,she called back Seojun so he turned back to her."Don't forget to wear your tiger underwear roar!",she teased Seojun while laughing.Seojun acted like he raised his fist when Jugyeong already ran into her house.

Seojun then took his phone,he planned to go to Suho's house so he decided to call him first to notify him.Unfortunately,Suho didn't pick up his calls.

"That's weird"

He tried to call him again but still,Suho didn't picked up his calls.He tapped the chat logo,wanted to send a message to him.

My Baby HoHo❤️😝

Suho:good night🙃

Seojun:where are you?can i come over?

Seojun waited for a while but again he didn't replied the message nor called him back.Seojun started to feel uneasy so he decided to ride his motorcycle as fast as he could to Suho's house.

Ten minutes later,he already arrived near Suho's house when he saw a car parked infront of the house.Seojun parked his bike nearby,felt curious as the car looks familiar to him.

A few seconds later,he saw Mr Lee and Mr Oh walked out from Suho's house and headed to their car.Seojun felt the panicking feelings inside him,why they are here?and what happen to Suho?

As soon as the car drove away,Seojun ran into the house and surprisingly the door was opened wide which worried him more.He walked into the house and searching for Suho when he saw a familiar figure was lying on the floor at the living room.He couldn't believe his eyes especially seeing the love of his life in that state.

"Lee Suho!"

Just You //SeojunXSuho True Beauty FFحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن