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When I see you, the world stops. It stops and all that exists for me is you and my eyes staring at you. There's nothing else. No noise, no other people, no thoughts or worries, no yesterday, no tomorrow. The world just stops, and it is a beautiful place, and there is only you.

~James Frey


S I E R R A 

"Blake?!" I did nothing but shriek at the state my ex-boyfriend was in. The biggest question floating around my head is; Why are you chained up to two poles being whipped? But I guess that's a question for later.

"Fuck, Sierra get your ass back inside." Axel says as he pulls me back and away from the wide eyes of all the men and woman, "What the hell? What is this? Oh my fucking god, I'm going to die, aren't I?" I start rambling as I pace back and forth.

"I am going to kill you." I hear Corbin growl at Axel as he storms towards me. I believe that threat and backed away in fear, "I'm sorry Alpha. I tried to stop he-"

"What? Tried? You tried to stop her?" He asked as he moved towards Axel in fuming anger, "Tell me, Axel, what the fuck?" He grips Axel by the throat and slams him onto the wall, "Stopped? You? Hmm?"

"Corbin stop!" I yell as my hand covers my mouth in shock and fear. Corbin sneers as he looks at me, "Go to your room." He says to me with angry eyes, "Now." He's so calm, too calm.

"What- why- let go of him." I cry out as Corbin squeezes Axels neck tighter. I run up as I watch Axel's face turn red and then blue. I place my hand on Corbin; his muscles relax.

He let's go of Axel and faces me; Axle falls into a fit of coughing as he tries to compose himself on the floor, "Look at me." Corbin growls out. I look up at him nervously.

"Do you have any idea what you have just done?" He growls as he takes my arm with his hand gently. I glare at him as he stares at me with eyes filled with anger, "Why the fuck is Blake tied up and being- being-" I stop myself to take in a breath of air.

"That is not Blake, Sierra." He tells me as he uses his free hand to pinch the bridge of his nose, "that thing you just saw was a hybrid. He was trying to lure you in." He tells me; I feel my heart stop at his words.

Hybrid? Lure me in? Not Blake? What? "Sierra." His voice is gentle now, and I look up into his soft eyes, "Go back to your room, love." His eyes harden again, "And do not ever leave this house again."

Axel pushes himself up as I stone hard look settles onto his features. Corbin turns to him, "You are a pathetic excuse of a third in command. Let this happen again, and I will not hesitate to kill you." Corbin sneers before barging out the door. He begins yelling just as the door closes, and I soon hear a gunshot. I know exactly who just got shot, and most probably killed.

I flinch at the thought, and jump away when Axel takes a hold of my arm. My eyes look over his bruised neck; I feel guilt eat away at me, but I know I mustn't talk, so I let him lead me back to where I woke up barely ten minutes ago.


I'm sitting on my bed, avoiding any eye contact with my window. I've been told that I'm getting my room moved elsewhere, and I know why.

I also know that Corbin is a terrifying man who will happily end my life in a second, and that- that person wasn't Blake, but a hybrid. What the hell is a hybrid?

The door creaks open and a much calmer Corbin walks into the room, "Sierra." He says my name and I feel myself snap. I feel every overwhelming feeling that has grown inside of me within a few hours of silence take over, and I let a sob escape me.

I shake, and I sob, and I let tears fall from my eyes like a cloud releasing hard and fast droplets of rain.

I'm so fucking afraid that he's going to kill me. I feel helpless.

"Sierra..." his voice is closer now, and I know he's in front of me. I can feel him nearby. I shake my head as I bury my head into my hands, "What's happening? W-where am I?" I ask him as I shake uncontrollably. Corbin is quiet for a few seconds

"You are safe, Sierra." He finally tells me, but it doesn't help. I don't feel safe. Not at all. "Please take me home." I cry as I look up at him, "I- I don't want to be a part of this- this place." I tell him as tears fall from my eyes.

"Crying is not going to help you. You are staying and that is finale." He seethes as he takes a step forward. I move away quickly, afraid that he's going to hurt me. A flash of regret shows itself in his eyes, but he hides it quickly.

"Go away." I say to him with sad and fearful eyes, "Please just go away." I say to him as I lie down on my bed. Corbin sighs before walking forward towards me. I'm about to yell at him, but stop when he pulls the blankets, from under me, on top of me.

"Get some rest, Sierra. I am sorry for scaring you." He says softly before he strides out of the room. He says he's sorry but that doesn't change that he's probably killed hundreds of people.

This house could give all those children, men and woman warmth and safety and a sense of comfort, yet he locks them in chains. I hate it here already. I don't want this; I want to leave. I want to go home, or at least run away screaming because this place is horrible.


There is breakfast on my bed the next morning waiting to be eaten. At first, I refuse to eat it, but then give in because my stomach yells at me to.

I bring the food closer to me and let out a content sigh as I bite into the pancakes on the plate. After a few minutes of eating, I remember the events that took place yesterday, and feel myself fall into a feeling of dread.

My eyes snap to the door as it opens; Axel walks through, and I feel shock when is see that his throat is completely healed, "Axel, I'm-" I'm about to apologize but he shakes his head.

"I know, Princess. It's fine. You were acting out of instinct." He says to me with a small smile. I let a small bit of tension drop from my shoulders but still feel guilt eat away at me, "I could have gotten you killed." I say with conflicted eyes.

I see Axel smirk slightly in the corner of my eye as he takes the plate from me "That's the thing, Princess. This isn't some game of cupcakes and rainbows. This is a game of kill or be killed, and you're just about to start playing."

If I wasn't terrified before, I sure as hell was now.

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