II: Reflect

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Ria wakes up knowing he is late once again. Its Friday however for him, everyday shares the same common denominators as usual; Rise, Reflect, Prepare, Initiate, Delay, Regret and Sleep. The unbroken cycle of Ria's daily adolescent life.

"Friday." Ria states in utter disappointment. "What does life have in store again for the upcoming hours? I'd rather eat corndogs all day."

His To-do reached a new record with an astonishing 68 unfinished works, however, this is just a rookie number in his eyes.

"Alright, lets get this day over with."

Ria prepares for the day ahead. He bathe, cooked, ate and prepared for the class that awaits.

He joined the online class however he was the only one around, it seems he missed the first subject. Ria joined the next one.

"A-A-At- Ria Ernest?" The audio lagged and was immediately followed by his name. "Present." Ria hastily replied.

A few hours has passed, it seems this is the only time period where Ria could feel at peace, well, barely. He hasn't achieved enough motivation to even start a single unfinished speck in his to-do.

He is clearly declining in academics, however, this wasn't the case 3 years ago as Ria was a lively and optimistic lad during his pre-teen years. Now despite having a lot of load to work on, he chose to wander his mind during the clear night sky.


After staring at nothing for merely an hour, a sparked within his consciousness.

"You left."

An emotion of grief and coldness overwhelmed him, causing Ria to sob throughout the night. He slept afterwards...

2 hours later

He arrived once again in the subway as before but something was off. The train never passed and the subway was very empty, however, he had company.

The same person from last time was following him. A peculiar, uncanny but angelic product of his mind and soul.

Ria started to initiate a conversation once again.

"..." No response.

"..." He looked.

"Talk, don't just stand there like a menace whenever I try to speak to you." Ria exclaimed.

"..." No response.

"Suit yourself." He states in disappointment.

Ria started to walk, it followed. He started to initiate a conversation, it gave no response thus Ria gave up and rushes aimlessly. He ran and ran towards the unknown suburbs of his sub-consciousness, dwelling every path he could think of without  hesitation until he stumbles upon a dead end, a mind block. Unknowing he may be, Ria still has company.

"..." It looked.

"..." He looked. "Who are you?" Ria stated.

"..." No response.

"Talk!" He exclaimed.

"..." No response.

"Suit yourself." Ria states in mere disappointment once again and starts running aimlessly hoping his follower would lose track. He ran and ran again towards the unknown roads of his sub-consciousness, dwelling every route he could think of without hesitation until he stumbles again upon a dead end, a mind block. However, no matter how hard he tried, Ria still has company.

"Why." It stated.

"What?" Ria asked in mere confusion. "What do you want?"

"Nothing." It replied coldly.

"Who are you and why bother follow?" Ria asked.

"..." No response.

"Who are you?" Ria asked again.

"..." No response.

"Suit yourself." He states in a dreadful manner and rushes again aimlessly hoping again that his clingy follower would lose sight of him. He ran and ran once again towards the unknown terrains of his sub-consciousness, dwelling every space he could think of with such hesitation until he decided to stop. 

He looked behind his shoulders and behold, his clingy sidekick is still right behind him. A peculiar, uncanny but angelic product of his mind. 

"Suit yourself." He stated worriedly.

Ria walked and walked, minding every step he makes while being fully aware of his companion right behind him, he is dazzled yet dreading about something deep within his sub-consciousness, he is aware yet distracted about something, he could control yet his urge is out within his reach.

He stopped and looked back. 

It left.

*Alarm buzzes*

[1:43 PM]

"Who." He muttered.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2022 ⏰

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