I giggle as I playfully shove his shoulder; I hear Annie clearing her throat from besides me. What is it now? Her mood, in all honesty, is making me a bit angry. I would understand better if she explained what was wrong, but she hasn't uttered a word about it.

"Shouldn't you go warm up?" Annie asks him harshly; sending him a flat look. I frown at her before looking at Blake again. He has a sad and guilty look in his eyes as he turns back to me. He kisses my forehead gently before walking away, "Annie, what the hell was that?!" I hiss at her angrily; it's her brother, for god sakes! Show some love. She clenched her jaw and I see the tension in her eyes, her anger.

"You'll thank me one day." She hisses back. My eyes widen at her hostility. I'll thank her one day? What is she even talking about? I furrow my eyebrows in confusion before turning back to the rink in front of us; Nate has been checking out a guy that looks to be a year or two youngers than us. Obviously; that's the Nate we know and love.

A few minutes later and the host begins speaking; indicating the match is starting soon. Blake is called up first; I cheer for him loudly; so, do a bunch of other girls, but his gaze locks with mine. He winks at me before turning away and warming up. Then they call up his opposition. And holy shit. Holy fucking shit he's huge. This isn't going to end well. Blake can't... what if he gets hurt? I don't want to see him hurt.

Few minutes pass and the bell chimes; the first round. Blake and his opposition circle around each other a few times; eyeing each other carefully, waiting for the other's first move. When Blake realises his opposition wasn't going to do anything; he goes for it. He sends his leg out; distracting the opposition by making it look like his intentions were to trip him but while he is distracted; Blake sends a right hook with his fist, obviously; he hits his opposition, I'm just going to call his opposition Jeff, He hit Jeff hard.

Jeff stumbles for a few seconds, trying to find his balance, before sending a hard punch at Blake; Blake sees it coming and easily blocks it, while he has advantage; he grabs Jeff's forearm, twisting it so that he's holding Jeff against his chest. I watch in anticipation and interest as my heart blossoms from pride; he was winning so far.

He pushes Jeff away and throws a punch at him; Jeff is still trying to find his balance, once again, so Blake easily he hit him a few times. But that's when everything turns around. Just when Blake is about to hit him again; Jeff catches his fist. I stop breathing as I wait for what will happen next. It feels like everything pauses, like it's a slow downed part, in a dramatic scene, from a movie. Jeff seems to register what he's managed to do and smirks at Blake.

He decides to pull Blake forward where he punches Blake in the gut with a lot of force. My knee begins to bounce again as I hold my breath, as I hope Blake figures out how to get back to the dominating side. I hope Jeff lays off. But no; Jeff pushes Blake back and right hooks him in the head; he sends more blows to Blake and I find myself covering my mouth with my hand. My breathing has stopped and I can only watch as my beloved boyfriend gets his turn in beating.

Blake has blood streaming from his presumed broken nose when Jeff pauses to collect himself, then he trips Blake to the ground before locking his head in a choking position; blocking his airways. Blake struggles in his hold as he tries to get out of the death grip, but a few seconds later Blake taps out. Jeff wins the first round.

I let out a shaky breath; Annie is smiling widely, "Why are you smiling?!" I ask her in disbelief. She couldn't possibly be happy that that just happened to her brother. I almost started crying when I saw his face turn the lightest shade of purple. She shrugs as she looks at me, "Maybe all those blows to the head will wake him up." She tells me and I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. What is she talking about?

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