Chapter 11: A Few Hours to the Wedding: Acceptance

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Sunlight streamed through the gaps in the blinds to hit his eyes. Kakashi flinched, forcing his head into the pillow. His body still numb under the sheets as he peeked through his lashes at the blankets he had kicked to the floor at one point.

He moaned and yawned at the same time, reluctant to move, hoping he could just stay like that for a while longer. That was not how a ninja should wake up: in a stupor. He didn't remember falling asleep either, and that was equally bad. He had his arms around Tenzō and then it was morning.

Tenzō. Kakashi inhaled deeply and held his breath. Would he be there, looking at him when he turned? Smiling — any smile would do. Tenzō had so many, and he could do with any of them right now. He knew before glancing over that the other side of the narrow bed was vacant.

It was the last morning he would be waking up in that bedroom, and still he didn't get that one thing he wished for — Tenzō next to him when he opened his eyes. But he was by himself again. Three nights in a row he slept there, Tenzō left before he woke every single morning. Maybe it just wasn't meant to be, and that realisation made his stomach churn.

There had been many times in the past, during missions, when they woke up together and Tenzō's face was the first thing he saw,... and the faces of everyone else with them, always at the same time, always with an objective, so Kakashi didn't consider those, even if sometimes Tenzō smiled at him. He wanted to be able to roll onto him, press his sleepy face against his skin, breathe that cedar wood scent unique to him.

That one day was Tenzō's day off. He had no excuses, nowhere to be, nothing to do. He should've been there so that Kakashi could add this memory to the extensive catalogue of all the things they shared. Kakashi reached for the pillow next to him without bothering to open his eyes and held it to his face.

"Why didn't you stay?" He whined into it, pressing the pillow further to get the scent of him that lingered.

The decision to get up in the morning was never easy, but it was always a little harder to get out of that particular bed.

The flat was empty as he expected, but Tenzō left everything on the kitchen counter for Kakashi to make himself a cup of coffee. Next to it was a scroll titled 'Mission Report' and a small wooden sign Tenzō probably conjured that morning. It read:

You'd better be up by 9am. Have some coffee, take the map, the report and go to work. I have things that I must see to, so I'll meet you at the wedding.

And a funny face he used for his substitution jutsu, just to be cute. Kakashi's lips curved slightly, but the brief smile vanished as he turned to the mission report with a sigh. What mission was Tenzō talking about? Helping him with the security issues, making tables for the wedding? And how did he even find time and energy to write this? Kakashi couldn't be bothered with it, not there, not now, no matter how cute Tenzō was.

He stood in the kitchen barefoot in his underwear, his body got colder as he watched the water heat up.

Fuck, I'm beat.

His thighs were tight, his back and arms sore when he tried to tense his muscles. His entire body ached, his ass throbbed. He wished he had considered the consequences before he consented to a second round... and a third. After all, he had a desk job and a long wedding ceremony to sit through. But the further they went, the more tired he got, and as his mind and body ran out of fuel, he stopped holding back, showing all the affection he couldn't before. Tenzō took advantage of that. The evidence was his body, covered in bites, sore ones too. Next time he would get him back for these.

Next time... Would there even be a next time, and if so, when? By then, he wouldn't even remember that he wanted to return the marks because they wouldn't be on him anymore. Kakashi lowered his head, staring at the bites on him as if they would fade at any minute. His ribs felt so strained that he took a deep breath just to make sure he still could.

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