Chapter 5: 2 Days to the Wedding: Support

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"Seriously..." Kakashi said, watching as Gai talked to someone at a food stall.

That was an inconvenience. Konoha's green beast was the last person he wanted to see that morning. Although he trusted Gai with his life, discretion wasn't his forte, and his flamboyance worsened when Kakashi was around. Besides, wheelchair or not, he was still a formidable ninja, and not one to be taken lightly.

Rubbing his arms for warmth, he crouched behind the bins while he came up with a plan. Judging by the stench, the dead-end alley he found himself in was where most of the surrounding business dropped their trash. There were even dogs rummaging through torn bags, looking for food.

How did it come to this? He closed his eyes for a moment. What a redundant question, he knew the answer. It wasn't because of Tenzō's lack of everything in his apartment that he found himself amongst rubbish and stray dogs; it was his own poor decision making. He went there for physical release, with the excuse of needing Tenzō's help. If he only had left when he meant to. But when Tenzō laid a hand on the back of his neck, all logic came crumbling down. Knowing someone's touch could strip him of reason like that.

His fingers curled into a fist around his sleeves. Why was he even pondering about something like that in a place like this? Being cold and hungry was going to be the least of his problems if he ended up lingering there for much longer. A couple of hours late for work wasn't so bad, he was Kakashi after all, but he hadn't been in yet and it was approaching lunchtime. The Hokage's home had no sign he'd been there overnight, so if anyone came to find him and he wasn't there, it would raise an alarm and force Shikamaru to send the ANBU to find him.

If he couldn't avoid Gai, he would race down the road. Even if people saw him, maybe they wouldn't notice his state. He fixed himself as he stood up from behind the bins and, as he peeked down the road, Gai's eyes caught his like a magnet.

"Oh! Kakashi!!" Gai yelled from the distance, grabbing firmly to his wheels and spinning them so fast his hands seemed to disappear.

That street had been paved during the village's reconstruction, and yet Gai managed to create a trail of sand behind him, causing a commotion as people waved their hands in the air, closing their eyes and covering their faces. That hurricane headed straight to the back alley. Kakashi crouched behind the bins again and looked down, but seconds later the wheels came into view.

"Kakashi! What are you–"

"Shh!" The Hokage raised his head, part of his face covered by his hair. "Keep it down."

The other gripped his shoulder, which was damp because of the wet top underneath, and shook him. "What happened to you?!"


"You look pretty ragged," Gai said and rolled back, narrowing his eyes, "Hmmm... wait a minute!"

Kakashi stepped from behind the bins, shoved his hands into his pockets, and looked away as if that was just a regular place to be. If ignored Gai, then the other would just be his usual self and pressure him more, but he had no other option.

"Is this a walk of shame situation?"

He was sharp. "Anyway–"

"Don't give that anyway attitude, Kakashi!" Gai shook his fist, overly animated as always. "You were partying all night yesterday! To think you're still enjoying the springtime of youth makes me proud and jealous at the same time!"

"Listen...," Kakashi turned around and leaned down so he could keep a low tone of voice. There was no point in wasting time debating. "I'll tell you everything but, before there is a crisis, I need to get home without attracting attention."

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