Chapter 4: 2 Days to the Wedding: Morning After

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5am. The streets were deserted, and the sun hadn't yet shown in the horizon, but for Yamato, it was already late. Despite that, he took his time walking up to the inn where Orochimaru stayed. He had no hopes that the man would still be there, so running at that point was futile, but he had to start his search somewhere.

The night before, Yamato had a clone on a roof across from the inn, watching the Sannin from afar as he sat on the bed, reading. Orochimaru knew he was being watched. He also knew where the clone was, and stood by the window, grinning for a disturbingly long time. Yamato's plan was to keep the copy on him and get some rest before he took over the stake out himself overnight. But the clone dispelled the moment he shared a few heated kisses with his senpai.

"That was irresponsible," Yamato said, looking down at the unpaved ground of the side road that led to the inn.

It was so unlike him to abandon a mission; he saw himself as a cautious person when it came to his duties. What else could he have done, though? Told Kakashi, who was all warm and sweaty against him, that he had to leave mid-action because of Orochimaru? That damn man was taking way too much of his life as it was. He wanted that night and Kakashi-senpai wanted it too, or at least needed.

Those sounds, he could still hear them, so alluring, so seductive. The taste of his skin, off his lips. It was lust. It must have been. All the tension, that desire to touch him. Yamato would happily lick every inch of Kakashi's body if he was given enough time, and if he still had some left, he would shove aside his inexperience, throw his senpai on the bed, put himself between his legs and take him over and over, until they were both too exhausted to do anything but pass out on each other.

Yamato halted. His face warmed up as the images displayed so graphically in his mind. He shook his head as if to get rid of them and looked around. There was no one there, but that wasn't the sort of thought a person should have in the middle of the street on the way to work. Still, as he picked his pace again, it didn't take him a full block down the road for his mind to be back to earlier that morning.

When he woke up, he sat on the bed and looked absently at the wall. For a moment, he forgot he wasn't alone, until Kakashi shifted and an arm came into view, stretched onto his side. He eyed over his shoulder. If only he'd stayed a little longer, let his senpai sleep soundly on his chest as he stared at the ceiling, pretending that was just like any other morning. That wasn't lust. That evening had nothing to do with physical needs alone, because it hadn't appeased him. If anything, it added another layer of complexity to feelings he had been trying to understand since their first kiss.

When Kakashi tossed on the bed, reached for the pillow he had slept on and shoved his face in it, it forced Yamato's heart to skip a beat. All those little things, they had such an impact on him.

"Are you running away again?" Kakashi said, his grouchy voice muffled by the pillow, as one eye opened.

"I have to."

"You're too strict too early. "

He had to hold back a smile. It wasn't fitting, Kakashi was grumpy, but to Yamato, that was a cute sight.

"Just doing my job, senpai."


Yamato sank his face into his palms and, for a while longer, he sat there, then turned and watched Kakashi drift back to sleep. The subtle smile he still had on faded and his forehead wrinkled further. It hurt. If the other knew how hard it was to walk away; how much strength he had to summon from within to lift his body off that bed. But Yamato did nonetheless, knowing he now had two days left.

"Two days," he said under his breath. The mission wasn't going anywhere. Two, five, ten days. What different did it make? There was an end day to everything but the mission. He still had to find Orochimaru that morning to make up for his failure. That slippery man, if Yamato became too unfocused he would spend all his time in Konoha looking for him.

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