Chapter 10: 1 Day to the Wedding: The Last Night

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"No, but I wouldn't expect you to understand, considering you come in even when they're shut."

Kakashi didn't reply, instead he pulled Yamato's hand towards him while taking a small step forward. Yamato's body stiffened. Logic told him to pulled the hand back, to tell Kakashi he was too busy that night, he had no time. Go out, freeze in the cold, be sad, just indulge in it for a little bit, get his mind right. It'd be better to be sad and alone than feel so confused, so tempted... he wanted to believe, anyway.

He opened his eyes. The corridor was dark, but he saw Kakashi's silhouette as light bounced into the living room from outside. He was close, and then closer as he stepped in yet again, bringing Yamato's hand to his lips. His warm breath ghosted over his fingers. Kakashi's mask was down — how unusual.



If the lights were on and he could see him, maybe Yamato wouldn't be so bold, but in the dark, his face so close to touch, he stretched a cold finger and brushed it over Kakashi's cheek. His skin was warm, probably warmer than his own cheek he knew to be red. If he had been outside, why was he so warm in such a chilly night?

"Did you run here?"

Kakashi took yet another step forward. "To make sure I caught you awake."

"The lights were off."

So he didn't really care if he had to wake him up at all. Did he want to see him that badly? This had nothing to do with work, or at least work was now the excuse for them to see each other. They were so close, Yamato felt the heat coming off his senpai's body. The urge to kiss him flooded his mind. He wanted to do it, Kakashi wanted him to do it too, otherwise he wouldn't keep getting close. Why didn't he do it then? Yamato could blame him then... take the weight of responsibility ff his back for once. Was Kakashi still fixated on not taking the initiative? That didn't seem to bother him the night before, though.

Yamato narrowed the gap even further and slowly pulled back his hand. "I'm awake,' he said, the tip of his nose bumped lightly against Kakashi's. All he had to do was tilt his head, that's all, then their lips would meet. It felt like an eternity since they kissed, even though it had only been 48 hours or less. For a relationship like theirs, where time was so short and passed so fast, two days felt like forever.

As much as his body ached for this, his heart raced for this, Yamato leaned back and slipped both of his freezing hands behind Kakashi's very warm neck, drawing what was almost a yelp out of his senpai.

"Tenzō!" Kakashi moved back a couple of steps.

Yamato laughed, forcing himself to lift that tension between them, and reached for the switch to finally bring some light into the corridor. Kakashi had his shoulders raised so high, his neck had disappeared. He shook his head after he finally relaxed from the shock and stared back at Yamato, his lips curved in a little smile.

"Sorry, senpai," he said, still laughing. "It was either that or a cold shower. This seemed more practical."

"A cold shower would've been less of a shock."

"It's a long night, so I'll keep that in mind for next time," Yamato said with a chuckle as he took off his shoes. "What is that you wanted again?"

"We are short of look outs tomorrow during the wedding."

"I thought you wanted me to attend the wedding."

Kakashi turned his back at him, heading to the living room as he fiddled with something in his back pocket. "It's not what I meant, I just need to sit down and go over this with your fresh eyes," he said, turning on the living room lights.

Soldier On || Part 2 ||-•-Yamato-🍃-Kakashi-• ||Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin