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The bus is quite empty since it's already around 10 P.M, people probably have already gone home to their families after a long day of work and school. They both sat on the back of the bus, sitting quietly while admiring the night view of Jongno-gu on their way back home.

"Never knew our schools are located near such a beautiful place like this," he said admiringly

She smiles, as she too is fascinated by the beautiful night street view of Jongno-gu.

"Here's my stop, sorry I've made you skip your stop. You can go to Hajung-dong with the same bus number on the opposite bus stop," she smiles

They both go out from the bus, "I'll escort you to your house. It's already 11 P.M." He said

Personally, Nami has walked home alone during midnight almost every week since she has club activities, prep-course, or hanging out with her friends. So going home late at night is something she usually does without hesitation. But it wouldn't hurt to walk a little more with Haruto, she thought.

"If you say so," she cues them to walk together

After 10 minutes of walking, they finally arrived at Nami's apartment complex. The apartment complex was located near the Han River, she probably comes from a well-off family as expected, he thought.

"You can drop me off here," she said as she starts taking off his hoodie

Haruto stops her, "keep it. I'll take it back later."

"Huh, why?"

He scratches his neck, awkwardly, "umm... So that we could have a reason to meet next time?"

She laughs at her new friend's lame excuse, "you could just ask me to hangout, Mr. Celebrity."

He smiles, "I'll take it later. Go on, I'll go home after you enter the lobby."

They wave at each other after bidding goodbye, closing their first day of making an unexpected friendship.

Haruto walks away with a smile on his face as he looks at the stars with a relieved sigh, "thank you."

Nami throws herself to her bed after cleaning herself up. To be honest, she has never been that close to a boy before. She never dates anyone and she barely has friends from the opposite gender. She mostly spends time with her best friend, hanging out, or studying. You could say she's a newly-hatched egg when it comes to friendship and relationship with a boy. After today's events, she oddly felt happy. It's not because she just became friends with a celebrity. She's happy because Haruto felt like a genuine friend whom she can't wait to talk to again soon.

She grabs her phone and immediately texts her best friend excitedly,

active 2h ago

i made a new friend

Yuna is probably attending prep classes, hence why she isn't active. Nami got up to get her laptop, curiously looking up Haruto's group, TREASURE videos.

"Wow," she said

"Still sad your celeb-friend seems to be just a one-night-friend?" Yuna faces Nami who is slouching on her desk soullessly

Nami burrows her face deeper into her desk, "I'm not sad."

"Said someone who've been constantly checking their phone literally every second for this past week," Yuna said


A week has passed by since the day she and Haruto became friends, and yet she hasn't received any text or anything from her new friend.

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