"JJ, come on are you seriously upset? You fell asleep and then cuddled right up to Harry. We were going to wake you up, but you were so comfortable and by the time we realized, Harry was asleep and had his arms wrapped around you. It was so cute, you were all wrapped up like a present. So we left! I'm sorry," Jess, rambled out really fast. She rocked back and forth on her heels, toying with her fingers.

James' face was slightly pink because he was uncomfortable. He was looking everywhere but me, unsure how to act.

"Got something to add here, Jennings?" I glared at him with my arms crossed. He chewed on the side of his cheek and just shook his head. Something was up with him, but I wasn't going to press him.

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. Sorry for pulling you from work, I gotta go get ready."

"Jaime, wait," Jess said, this time she was the one that grabbed my wrist. We stared at each other for a moment. She was waiting for me to tell her something but I am unsure what. "Well..." her eyes went wide. "Are you going to tell us how it went?"

I felt my stomach drop a little. I wasn't upset to the point that I wanted to cry, but my anxiety was at a high level, so any emotion was going to come out as the most dramatic thing in the world. I felt a lump in my throat and I looked up feeling tears form in the corner of my eyes.

"Uh, nothing happened." I am not going to cry. No crying over boys. Nothing bad even happened! More than anything I just felt embarrassed. I tried to swallow down anything I could because my throat felt like the desert.

Jess' eyes shot out and James rolled his eyes. What is his deal today?

"What do you mean nothing happened?" Jess prodded.

"Nothing happened. I woke up. He woke up, and he left right away. I didn't even get to say anything before he left." Before I could finish my sentence, James walked back into work. I cleared my throat and looked at the ground to make sure no tears fell. When the door closed I looked up at Jess. "Did I miss something? I mean, was I completely off base?"

"Jaime, are you kidding me? He literally looks at you like you're the Sun." I smiled to myself because only I caught the irony of her statement. "He fell asleep because he was so comfortable with you on top of him, with your friends around."

"I know but... I don't know. We're becoming good friends. I mean, you and I cuddle all the time. I can't be mad at him. I was the one that said I didn't want to be more than friends. He's being respectful and kind, and ugh he's being Harry. Good. Kind. Considerate Harry. God he disgusts me."

"Oh you're so screwed," she mumbles under her breath. I give her a sharp look, letting her know I hear her. She squeezes my arm, "Don't give up yet. Is he supposed to magically read your mind? Are you really just going to cower away? That's not the Jaime Jackson I know."

I push my lips to the side of my mouth. She has a point. But then again, does she really know Jaime Jackson?

I threw my head back and let my arms fall to my sides. "As much as it pains me to say it Jessica J, you are right."

A giant smile grew on her face.

"I'll tell him!" I raise my hands in surrender. "I'll tell him that I might want to be more than friends and I will see what happens. I mean worse case scenario he denies me, summer becomes awkward and then he leaves and we never see each other again."

"Way to be optimistic JJ," Jess deadpans, punching me in the shoulder.

"Just trying to be realistic," I shrug my shoulders. "Come on, I am sure the kitchen is falling apart."

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