xx| 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚢-𝚃𝚠𝚘 |xx

Start from the beginning

"Thanks for your vote of confidence," Finn mumbled.

"How far are we from WAOIC headquarters?" Dawn asked.

"About a mile," Finn said.

My head snapped up from my computer.

"How do you know?"

"I drove past it," Finn said. "The path brought me to a building with a fence around it. The whole forest is centered around the clearing. I would have told you guys, but I didn't want to wake you. So I decided to drive across the clearing to the forest on the opposite side just in case a WAOIC agent entered through the same way. There are fewer trees here, too, so it was easier to drive through. I was able to find this place to park, well away from headquarters. I think this is a good place to set up camp here, unless Xara has other ideas."

He turned to me. I blinked at him, trying to process everything. I didn't like how well-planned his logic was. It was too methodical—too strategic. It seemed like a plot to have us in this exact position.

"You drove right past headquarters?" I asked.


"And they didn't see you?"

"Well it's not like they're onto us."

That sounds super sketch. We weren't spotted by even one guard?

"Perhaps we should see the headquarters," I said, shifting in my seat. "I need to figure out how we're going to break in. Then we'll decide where to camp."

"Fair enough," Finn said.

I didn't like that response either. Adrenaline surged in my veins. What if he's leading us into a trap?

But I still had to get a good look at WAOIC headquarters. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to create a plan to infiltrate it. I sucked in a deep breath.

My eyes fell on the empty bag of food. We're going to need some sort of sustenance to get us through these next few days.

"We're kind of running low on food right now," I said. "I might need you to go into town and get something. Dari, how far are we from the nearest city?"

"I was hoping you'd ask," Dari said with a grin. "I got our coordinate location this morning."

Fear shot through me. Did she send our location to WAOIC? Are they coming to get us? I felt the urge to turn around, to see if anyone was creeping up behind me. But I relaxed a moment later. She wouldn't have admitted to finding our location if she had given it to WAOIC. It's basic Psychology.

"We're near the Algonquin Provincial Park."

"The one in Ontario?" I asked.

"Yup. How did you know?"

I shrugged. "I know a lot of random things. I had a lot of time on my hands to memorize stuff."

"Well can us simpletons who don't have a GPS in our brains have a map, please," Ty said. "Or at a bare minimum, some coordinates."

"Speak for yourself," Dawn said. "Not us." She looked back at Jef and nodded.

"The coordinates are 45.9 degrees North, 77.8 degrees West," Dari said.

"You're not one for extra credit," Ty grumbled.

"Naw, why waste my energy?" Dari said.

"So basically we followed Agent Fox right back across the United States," I said, ignoring the others.

"Hey, it's less travel time getting back to Washington D.C.," Dari said.

"True..." I thought for a moment. "Our first priority needs to be taking a look at WAOIC headquarters," I said. "Is it safer to drive over or to walk over?"

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