The next morning they met with everyone else to try and discuss what had happened but also trying to be careful of people who might overhear them. They went to class after discussing a plan on a way to find her. The sheriff was going to go talk to Mr. Tate and see if he knew anywhere she would go.

    During history, Mr. Yukimura asked for a volunteer to read in front of the class. Instead of getting a volunteer, he asked Stiles to come up and read. Stiles sighed, getting up and walking to the front of the room. His hands started shaking. He gripped onto the podium looking down at the book. The words swirled around the page making them gibberish before letters started disappearing. His breathing increased as he kept looking at the book. Stiles was on the verge of a panic attack.

    "Mr. Stilinski," Mr. Yukimura said, trying to get the boy's attention.

    "STILES" Scott said louder, trying to get his friend's attention. Stiles looked up at his friend but the panic didn't stop. Scott jumped up from his seat. 

    "I'm gonna take him to the nurse," Scott said. Mr. Yukimura nodded and Scott led his friend out of the room. Scott brought Stiles into the locker room. Stiles hit the door frame supporting himself with his hand. He then made himself move forwards supporting himself on the sink looking in the mirror. 

    "Stiles is this a panic attack," Scott asked. 

    Stiles shook his head, panic still running through him. 

    "This isn't real I must be asleep" Styles mumbled but Scott caught what he said. 

    "Stiles this is real. How can I convince you that This is real" Scott asked? 

    "Finger you have extra fingers in dreams," Stiles said. Scott nodded holding up his hands letting Stiles see them telling him to count. Stiles began counting them and found that there were no extra fingers on Scott's hand.

    "See this is real this is not a dream," Scott said. Stiles nodded, taking deep breaths calming himself down more. When Stiles and Scott were just sitting there letting Stiles regain some energy Thomas, Newt, and Minho barged into the room. 

    "What happened Thomas said sitting down next to his brother. 

    "Panic attack whatever happened to us it's getting worse" Scott explained. The three gladers sighed.

    The bell for class had rung and Kira was about to walk out when she noticed two backpacks sitting by the desks of the two boys that left earlier. One of those boys just so happened to be the one she liked. She decided she would do something nice and bring them their backpacks. 

    Kira walked out of the room with the two backpacks in hand. When she was in the hallway she heard growling. She turned around and saw a coyote. Kira bolted towards the first room with a door which ended up being the girl's locker room. She hid behind a row of lockers. She gasped as she heard the window to the door break and claws click along the floor.

    It sounded like the coyote was right next to her when the lockers began to fall. Kira ran to avoid being crushed, what she also noticed was the lockers made it harder for the animal to get to her. Scott ran into the room. He flashed his eyes red at the coyote. 

    The coyote stopped moving forward looking at Stiles' backpack then ran out the door, down the hallway, and then finally outside. 

    "You okay," Scott asked, looking at the girl as she breathed deeply. She nodded standing up from her crouched spot on the floor. 

    Later in the day, the sheriff was in the school investigating the attack. He had taken the two backpacks seeing bite marks on his sons. He picked up the backpack getting a closer look. He noticed a doll in the pack. He pulled it out when the doll was snatched from his hand.

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