Chapter 8

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Chapter 8- Trip

Mina PoV

Checking my phone, searching for any possible signal of activity from Y/n. It's prohibited for employees to check or go on their phones once it's working hours, but I can't find myself to avoid doing it. That's weird, still nothing. Last online 42 hours ago.

I sighed, maybe she's busy, she knows what she's doing.

"Hey Mina, get this to table 8"

I snapped back to reality and did what he requested. Long distance relationship is so hard, no wonder most couples can't survive it, well we can.

Y/n PoV

"Y/n, Y/n! Y/n! Let's go we're going to miss the bus!" Jennie yelled.

"I'll be there, just a sec" Did I forget about something? I got my wallet, my phone, extra clothes. Why do I feel like something's missing.

"Hurry up!!"


"Ms. Lee, Ms. Kim, why did you even bother to show up?" Professor said.

We smiled at him and went inside, searching for my seat, I happened to find mine and my seatmate, I didn't even know I had one. It's for sure not Nayeon, speaking of her, wonder what bus is she in. Taking a seat beside him, he suddenly twitched, I gazed at him.

"Oh, sorry about that" he apologized. "I have Tourette syndrome, so if I say or do anything inappropriate, I don't mean it it's my tic" he smiled faintly.

For the looks of him, I bet he has anxiety around people. Poor guy, he seems nice and gentle. "Nah it's okay man, I don't mind" I assured.

"Maybe for you" he looks around, embarrassed and worried about what might the other seniors think.

"I'm sure they'll understand, I'm Y/n, Lee Y/n" I lend my hand out.

"Jack, Jack Perry. Nice to meet you
Y/n" he shook my hand.

Not long after the hand shake, he had a tic, which leaded him to say offensive words and pull his middle finger up to me. Considering that it's his syndrome that caused him to do that, I didn't mind. Jack on the other half, apologized many times than I can count.

"It's okay, I didn't get offended. Don't worry man" I reassure.


The whole ride to the amusement park was just chaotic. No other word can describe it perfectly, I was expecting for us to be quite and calm because we're seniors, but damn, the seniors are more haywire than juniors.

I kept on trying to get the house situation off my mind but it keeps on lingering. Not to mention, Taeyong's offer and that poem, I haven't slept properly for the past week. Mainly because of that. I'll try again to distract myself off it with this trip.

"Seniors, welcome to the amusement park!" Professor hyped us up. "You already know what your here for, so the faculty and chairman made a little quest around the park"

"We're not kids anymore, why can't we just go around the park"

"Sounds fun"

They babbled different opinions regarding the little program that the faculty made. If your asking me, I would join in, just for my own sake and help me focus on other things. Scanning if the other seniors agreed or not, I spot Nayeon with Jeongyeon.

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