Now, it quickly became routine during these dinners to discuss serious topics during dinner and then to ease the mood by playing games or watching a movie afterwards.

Thanks to the drama of the first time they invited me over, Jimin has been making sure to bring me back every Saturday night. My parents didn't exactly appreciate the hour I would return, because it was always somewhere between 2AM and 3AM. But Jimin wouldn't drink any alcohol simply so he could bring me home, which I appreciated so I joined him and didn't drink alcohol on those nights at the Bangtan Home.

Jimin has been like a literal angel the last five weeks. During the first week of my employment at Big Hit we spoke once, mainly because I would be in Jin's studio at all times. The second week we had lunch and he took me out for breakfast when I needed those nails and that hammer.

Ever since I told them about that contract Bang Si-Hyuk made me sign, Jimin has been the one to update me on anything and everything. He would tell me about the conversations they had with our boss and about the results they had gotten from that conversation.

So far.. nothing.

Bang Si-Hyuk is a stubborn man and it seems he really doesn't want me to become their friend and keep in contact with them after my project is finished.

Now, in all honesty.. at first I wasn't really worried. I knew that if I shared it with them, even though I could cause them pain, I maybe could weasel my way out of this contract. Seeing as it involves them without them knowing about it, it somehow turns into an illegal document. Our boss never should've made me sign such a document without them knowing about it. I also should have known they didn't know about it, because they would never allow me to sign such a contract.

Even though the contact doesn't allow it, I have become good friends with all the members. Even with Taehyung and Jungkook even though I haven't spend as much time with them as I have with the other members. Jimin has been inviting me for lunch every single day. He appears at the door of the studio every damn day around 1 'o clock.

It's like clockwork.

His lips always formed into a sweet smile as he patiently waited for me to join him at his side so he can lead me towards the elevator.

He even offered to take me home some days, which I stupidly keep agreeing too, even though it results in me leaving my car behind in the Big Hit underground parking lot. Every time he drops me off, he tells me he'll come pick me up in the morning. It made me think that he did it on purpose to spend more time with me.

I've become quite shy and nervous around his presence and I can exactly tell you why I've been feeling like that. Like I mentioned earlier, Jimin has been like a literal angel these past six weeks. He spends time with me whenever he can, he's trying his hardest to get this dumb contract out of the way, he makes sure I eat lunch and then scolds me for not eating breakfast once again, he's always making sure I'm okay, he's always bringing me home after our dinners at their house, sending me a message to let me know he got back safely and then in the morning sending me a message to check up on me.

On days where I'm a little tired, because my parents had a fight, he takes me out for dinner after work to try and cheer me up. He even offered to stay over at their place so I could get a good night sleep, which I would always decline because I didn't want to force Hoseok out of his own bed like the first and last time.

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