Shiro had introduced himself to Kageyama that morning, but he had been so tired that all he got out was a name. He was now slightly more lucid, but he knew he wouldn't be able to get a word in while the three of them practiced, and he was correct.

The entire time Tanaka, Kageyama, and Hinata practiced it was loud and chaotic. Shiro didn't need to be able to see to know what all was happening, and god it was a lot.

Tanaka had coached them through stretches and basic warm-ups, but after that, he'd let them basically do as they pleased, which was receiving practice. Kageyama was serving overhand, harsh, and fast, and Shoyo was struggling to meet his mark each and every time.

With a yell Shoyo dove for a ball, missing and ending up just sliding across the gym floor. "Hey, you're feet stopped short!" Kageyama called out at the still prone redhead. "What happened to your reflexes from yesterday!?"

Shoyo groaned, slowly forcing himself up to his knees. "All I've done is receives," he whined. "And there isn't a lot of time left! I want to spike! I want to jump!"

The redhead forced himself to his feet, to stand in front of Kageyama as he yelled. Their screaming match, which it definitely would have turned into a screaming match, was cut short by Tanaka.

"You know, Daichi is normally pretty gentle," he said menacingly. "But he's super scary when he's angry." The two first years nodded, already knowing the wrath of their captain, completely forgetting that they had been arguing for a moment or two. 

The sound of the doors opening was enough to startle them though, and standing in the doorway was a beaming Sugawara. "Morning practice I see!" He smiled as he came in, sitting down to change his shoes as if it was normal for him to be there this early in the morning. 

"Suga-san!?" Tanaka questioned, finally managing to get the words out after spluttering for a moment or two. 

"I knew something was up," the silver-haired male explained. "You're almost always late, but you voluntarily asked to be in charge of opening in the morning." Tanaka made some noise of shock, leaning away from the third year. In his corner, Shiro giggled. 

It didn't take them very long to get back into the swing of what they had been doing, and in that time Sugawara had found himself sitting next to Shiro.

At first, Sugawara had tried to help, but he was too tired and Shoyo kept getting distracted that he wasn't helping much, so now he was just sitting and watching as Kageyama tossed to Tanaka and Hinata attempted to receive the spikes. 

"It's not going well is it?" Shiro questioned. He was dressed pretty much the same as yesterday, though this hoodie seemed to be a bit darker, and his hair looked beyond help.

"No, not really," Suga chuckled. "Kageyama's being rough on him,  but I'm sure he'll get through." Shiro sighed, rubbing at his eyes under his glasses. He knew that Shoyo wouldn't give up, not even a little bit, but having Kageyma here was a bit of a blow to the back.

He'd been there, at the tournament, and he'd had to listen to Shoyo talk about Kageyama the entire year from then till now. He was a bit tired of it. 

His thoughts were interrupted by a series of light beeps coming from his side, the noise causing the gym to fall into silence. 

He could immediately feel Shoyo's eyes digging into him, but before the redhead could get too far he held a hand up, the other dragging his bag into his lap. It was a bit awkward, the gym silent while he drug everything out of his bag, books stacked together with the laptop on top, papers set into a different pile, and it wasn't long until the bag was empty.

I'm Blind, Not Glassحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن