"Aha." He held up a book in his hand which hand that he probably checked out from the library, he pulled his desk chair and sat down right across from her. The blonde stared at the human as he quickly began flickering through the book, looking for his desired page.

"So can I ask what's real and what isn't from all the research that I have done? I know that there are a lot of myths on vampires so some might be true, some might not be but -" Sage couldn't help but smile at the boy, her eyebrows raised, she found his rambling cute and amusing, her ocean eyes flickered over to the book in his hand, she gently took it away from him before closing it.

"Ask me whatever you want Stiles."

"Scott's coming over tonight?" Lydia asked, making Sage snap out of her memory from last night, she couldn't help but smile as she thought about how excited Stiles had gotten when she told him all about vampires.

She had managed to tell him about the important things but couldn't go into any more detail because his dad had gotten home.

Sage brought herself back to the present conversation as she looked at Allison who pursed her lips and nodded in response to Lydia's question, "We're just studying together."

Sage and Lydia shared a look, a flicker of amusement in their eyes. "Wow," Sage muttered, she couldn't believe the girl was so naive, well she could because she still had no idea her family were hunters but this was teenage girl stuff. What teenage girl doesn't know studying with a boy you like is not always just studying? Apparently, Allison Argent.

"Just studying never ends with just studying." The strawberry blonde paused, "It's like... getting into a hot tub - somebody eventually cops a feel."

Allison furrowed her brows, not understanding what she was getting at. "Well, so what are you saying?"

"I'm just saying, you know, make sure he covers up," Lydia said as if it were obvious.

Sage chuckled at the confused look on Allison's face. "What Lydia means, if you are 'just studying' make sure he wears a condom," Sage said, smirking when she saw the look on the Argent girls face.

"Are you kidding? After one date?" Allison asked and Lydia rolled her eyes, "Oh, don't be a total prude. Just give him a little taste." Lydia shrugged and Sage looked at the girl sensing her nerves, noticing how her heartbeat raised. Allison glanced around awkwardly. "How much is a little taste?" The future huntress asked.

"Oh God. You really like him, don't you?"

"Well, there's just something different about him. When I first got here I had this plan: no boyfriends until college. I move too often. But when I met him, he was different. I can't explain it." Allison said and Lydia shrugged, "I can. It's your brain flooding with phenylethylamine." She said making Allison look at her confused, Sage had barely been paying attention to what the girl was saying as the scent of blood wafted her nose, she scrunched up her face in disgust, it smelled like someone was dying.

"Sage?" Lydia called out to the blonde, both her and Allison noticing the look on her face. The blonde blinked out of her daze, "Huh?"

"You wanna come over to mine tonight, seeing as this one is gonna be busy?" Lydia asked the girl but the blonde shook her head at her. "I'm hanging out with Stiles again." Sage began to walk away but realised that her two friends weren't following her, "What?" She asked seeing the look they both shared.

"You know, we've been focusing on Scott and Allison a lot but maybe we should be focusing on you and Stiles."

"What about me and Stiles?"

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