Chapter 12 - Lies

Start from the beginning

"You're y/n right?" he asked. His voice wasn't warm or friendly though. It was almost intimidating. 

"Yeah," I said, not wanting to talk to him for much longer. He chuckled and sat much too close for my liking. I shuffled over.

"You know the supply closet is always quiet around lunchtime," He said, winking at me. I threw up in my mouth. Although I had anxiety, I had no problem putting disgusting pigs in their place.

"Then you might as well go in there and daydream because that's the closest you'll get to being in there with me," I shot back.

He looked at me, clearly shocked that he got rejected before getting up and storming off, pushing past Tubbo who was coming over to me.

"What's his deal?" he asked, sitting next to me.

"The pig wanted to have sex with me in the supply closet what else?" I sighed. He chuckled. As I was talking to Tubbo, I couldn't help but notice that guy whispering to Maddie while staring at me. I had a feeling whatever they were talking about wasn't good news. I decided to shake it off however and try to enjoy my day. The day was going very well and then 4th period ended. I was walking to the canteen with Tubbo when I realised that I left my pencil case in the classroom. I told him to go on without me and went back to get it.

When I was walking out of the classroom, I became face to face with Maddie. I tried to slip away but soon realised that her and her friends had surrounded me. It turned out she had taken my pencil case and put it back after I left knowing I would have to come back for it. I could feel the anxiety rush through my veins as they cornered me against a locker.

"Alright I'm gonna give you one warning," she said before giving me a dead leg causing me to fall to the ground, wincing in pain. "You stay the fuck away from Toby or you'll regret it."

I had my hands over my head, cowering in fear as she grabbed me and pulled me to my feet. I could feel the tears well up as she slammed me against the locker once again and looked me dead in the eyes with the coldest look I've ever seen. 

"I mean he doesn't want you any way you're pathetic," she spat "You're here balling your eyes out like a baby and haven't even attempted to fight back. Are you broken slut?" I didn't say anything as I tried to stop myself from having a mental breakdown then and there. She laughed.

"Don't have anything to say? Good because no one's listening," she said before dropping me to the floor and walking away, laughing with her friends. I lay there, hopeless and vulnerable before getting up and running to the toilets. I locked myself in a stool and cried. I was so angry with myself for not fighting back. But for also thinking that I had a chance with Tubbo. Of course, he didn't like me. I am pathetic, a waste of space. I stayed in the toilets all of lunchtime despite getting multiple calls from Niki and Tubbo. I didn't want to see anyone.

When 5th period came I kept my head down and focused on not breaking down during the lesson. I didn't want to embarrass myself and decided to wait until I got home before crying. When the bell rang I rushed out of the classroom before anyone could stop me. I could here Tubbo calling me but I didn't listen. I just got into Nick's car and drove off. 

Tubbo POV 

At the start of 5th period, I was relieved to see that y/n was okay but she wasn't the same. She was very quiet and didn't look up for the entire lesson. I tried not to worry and planned on asking about it after the lesson. When the bell rang I got up and tried running after her, calling her name but she ignored me. She simply got into her brother's and drove off. I was confused. Was she mad at me? Did I say anything wrong? These thoughts swirled around my head at a million miles an hour. I snapped back to reality when I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. Startled, I looked back to see Maddie looking at me, a mischievous smirk on her face. 

"You're welcome!" she said laying her head on my shoulder. I moved away and looked at her with confusion.

"What do you mean you're welcome?" I asked sceptically. She giggled.

"That slut won't be bothering you anymore," she said, a huge smile across her face. It took me a minute to realise but when I did I was enraged. 

"What did you say to her?" I said firmly. Her smile instantly faded.

"What? Why aren't you happy?" she asked in confusion. The nerve of this bitch. I could feel the anger grow inside of me.

"JUST ANSWER THE FUCKING QUESTION MADDIE!" I screamed at her. She looked at me, obviously surprised at my response.

"I just told her that her pathetic ass needs to stay out of our relationship," she said, smirking. I couldn't keep it in anymore.

"MADDIE WE WILL NEVER BE TOGETHER!" I screamed at her, before storming off. I couldn't believe it. I finally was happy and she had to sabotage it all. I ran home, hoping that y/n didn't believe any of the shit that came out of Maddie's mouth.


Word count - 1486

Summary - Y/n and Tubbo blissfully think about the night they just spent together before going to bed. The next day, Y/n gets to school and gets hit on by a guy. She rejects him and he walks off frustrated. Tubbo and y/n are having a good day until y/n forgets her pencil case. She goes back to get it and realised that Maddie set her up. Maddie lightly beats her up and tells her to stay away from Tubbo. Y/n keeps her head down through 5th period and rushes to Nick's car as soon as the day ends. Tubbo is confused and worried about y/n's strange behaviour. Maddie then reveals what she said to her and Tubbo leaves in a fit of rage, praying that y/n didn't believe any of it. 

Hey everyone :)

I wanted to thank you guys for all the support we got 5 reads last night alone holy shit! I have just returned to school so sorry if I am slower at uploading I am trying my best :)

Take care of yourself and remember you're beautiful loves <3

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