Chapter 1 - One way ticket to freedom

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TW// some strong language

The car ride to Nick's house was like a one way trip to freedom. For so long I have been putting up with my parents constant remarks and threats. But now I can finally live the teenage years I spent locked up in my house either cooking or cleaning.

My parents are far from supportive. They had my whole future planned out for me. I was to marry Mike Craftington, a rich, snobby and abusive 36 year old millionaire that my parents were friends with. Yes he was old enough to be my fucking Dad. We had only met twice and both times he was very touchy and rude. He didn't ask me any questions about my interests or my personal life. Instead he asked what age I was to have kids at and if I would ever consider having plastic surgery in the future when I got old and "no longer fulfilled his needs". What a prick.

But it wasn't his disgusting attitude or musty ass face that made me mad. It was the fact that my own parents cared about money more then their own daughter's happiness. I was always a good daughter. I never gave them any trouble and got incredible grades in school.

But that didn't matter to them.

All they cared about was that I knew how to properly cook and clean and take care of kids. In reality I'm no even sure if I want kids. And I definitely don't want them with someone who will most likely be out cheating on me when I'm at home taking care of 5 kids. Kids need to be raised in a loving home where if there are two parents, they both are deeply in love and care about each other.

I guess that was too much to ask.

So I called Nick.

Nick is my brother and quite frankly, my savior. I've always looked up to him. When I called him and asked to move in with him he practically dove into his car and started the 3 hour drive to pick me up. He also supports me no matter what. I remember when I was 6 and I told him I wanted to be a vet, he went out and bought be a fake doctors kit so I could "get started right away" and check up my stuffed animals. My parents were furious with him. But he didn't care. He always told me seeing the smile on my face made it all worth it.

Now I was finally getting out of that hell of a house.

And I couldn't be more fucking excited.

"Y/N!" Nick half shouted

I snapped back into reality and looked at him "Sorry, I was just thinking about Mum and Dad" I said

Nick smiled at me softly "You don't have to worry about them now, under my house you live under my rules"

I giggled. "Oh yeah? What are these rules of yours then?"

Nick let out a cheesy grin before continuing "Well, you are forbidden to cook or clean at all" he said proudly "And you can spend as much time as you want with your friends. Until 11 of course"

I smiled "Now those are some rules I can agree with"

Nick grinned at me and I felt safe. He has always been protective of me but the fact he drove 3 hours there and back just to help me, I will always be thankful for.

"Hey Nick?"

"Yes?" he said

"I just want to thank you for all you've done for me" I said "I am grateful beyond words I can put together"

"Y/n, you don't need to thank me-"

"But I do!" I interrupted "You saved me from a life of misery and sorrow"

"I shouldn't have to though" He said, you could see the pain in his eyes "Y/n you shouldn't feel grateful for someone saving you from something that never should have happened in the first place. You didn't deserve to be treated this way. Just know, if you need anything at anytime, I'm always there for you."

I smiled at him. Nick will never understand what I have been through but he understands enough to know that he can't take credit for saving me when I shouldn't need to be saved.

"I love you"

"I love you too y/n, now get some sleep we still have 2 hours to go and its almost midnight" he said

I nodded at him and closed my eyes, his words playing over and over in my head.

'You didn't deserve to be treated this way'

I smiled before drifting into a peaceful sleep.


Word count: 755 words

Summary - y/n is picked up by her brother Nick and reflects on her parents's words and selfish actions in the car. Nick talks to her and reassures her she doesn't owe him anything as she shouldn't have been in that place in the first place. She falls asleep replaying his kind word in her head.

Hey everyone :)

I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it! Please remember to drink water, eat a full meal and have a shower today :)

Love you guys <3

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