Chapter 17: Embrace

Start from the beginning

One of the moments where he was clueless.

He knew the dangers of the world. But he couldn't read minds. There was something about Marinette that caused him to take a second glance every time he saw her.

And he was still unsure as to whether this was good or bad.

Damian took a look in the mirror. He stared at his dark hair. At this green eyes. At the sweat on his brow; a product of his exercise.

He grabbed the towel from around his neck and threw it over his head, welcoming this temporary silence.

He'd been rough with her, that much he knew. But he wouldn't let her fall down the same rabbit hole he'd done. Because the white rabbit she'd follow would be drenched in blood. It would have steel, cold eyes and a pocket watch that would tick down until it pushed her in and smiled as she fell deeper and deeper until she reached the end where chaos, strife and pain lay waiting to consume her.

He didn't want her to become like him.

He needed her sunshine. It was a little beacon of hope in his dark, dark world and like a thirsty man to his first drop of water, he was grasping at the little opportunities she'd opened for him.

The family meetings and interactions had increased since she'd arrived.

He was jealous at first. He would never let it sink in, but he'd been worried that Marinette would steal his brothers away.

It was one thing to help her one time, but another to discover that she was being adopted by Bruce--broody--Wayne. Damian Wayne did not believed in coincidences.

He glanced at the time.

He took one more look at his reflection before sighing and shutting his eyes.

A ping caught his attention and his eyes shot open and he growled as he read the text.



Tikki watched her chosen from across the room debating whether or not to leave her to her choice. She felt the darkness emanating from Plagg's figure. She felt as it pulled at the power tucked deep inside her and as that power pulled back. The time for new life was awakening many doors. More opportunities were being created and fates were being sewn together as the creature yet to awaken inside her chosen built itself up.

The day of new life would also be one of great loss.

"Can you feel it too, Sugar Cube?"

Tikki nodded. "Is your new chosen ready yet? The Guardian is looking for us."

Plagg shook his head. "No. If I touch him, he'll go breaking down every lamp post he sees or - although I'd love it - go on a rampage. Besides, I still don't know whether or not he's willing to smell like camembert for the rest of our partnership."

Tikki nodded. Marinette would need to train the new black cat once she was willing to accept the fact that he'd binded with Plagg's destruction.

Changing partners wasn't uncommon in the world of magic. It was just inconvenient and didn't occur that often because the bonds were usually very accurate.

Tikki turned to her partner. "Plagg, are you hiding something from me?"

Plagg turned to meet his partner. He cocked his head to one side. "What do you mean, Sugar Cube?"

Tikki met his eyes for a second longer before shaking her head and smiling. "Never mind. I'm just thinking too deep into things."

Plagg nodded before patting the mane of the horse that currently resided on his shoulder. "Okay Hooves, get up. I need to stretch."

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