*Chapter 24*Damon?

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Naomi is that you again? 

Yes it is I answered, once we settled in the room and I put Destiny to bed and locked the door before going into the bathroom and locking that too

Whose phone is this? Who is he, the guy you talked about earlier? Why did you leave? When are you coming back?  Is the child a boy or girl?  Answer me already!!

She fired away, causing a chuckle to leave my mouth, she hasn't changed one bit

Stop talking so much one at a time, this phone is a friend of mines phone, the guy is my boyfriend Tyreke, I left because Damon threw me out and forced me to leave the state with my baby, I don't know when I am coming back the child is a girl in named her Destiny

I explained everything as if I'm talking to a baby

Damon, no wonder why he kept looking for you

What, why was he looking for me?

Man, I don't know he's so fucked up now if you see him I'm sure y'all faint

Is, is he okay, health wise,  has he moved on

No, his not moved on you should come and visit we miss you, and your mother is awake she always asks for you

How could I forget about her

Good night Vee, talk soon love you

Love you too

She shouted as I hung up, my chest kept rising, I need to go to New York I need to talk to Aston

I put the phone back before walking to the top floor where I knew he was in his office,  he always stays up late, in knocked waiting,  a loud come in rang and I twisted the door knob before pushing the door and entering

"Ash, can I please, can we please go to New York tomorrow instead of Paris?" I asked my voice so quiet, I couldn't even hear myself, 

"Why?" He asked a frown etched to his face

"I'll explain, I said sitting down and looking at him.

"Before I moved to Italy I was staying in New York, my mother was ill in hospital and my dad was abusive,  I put him behind bars and they said it will be for 10 years, he has 3 years left, so after that I finished college and when my friend and I went clubbing

There I met Destinys father,  Damon we had sex and I got pregnant, at the time I knew not the identity of Damon so I didn't search, I applied for a job at Carter's enterprise and I met him there

I dropped the news after 2 or 3 weeks and he asked me to move in for the safety of the child, being a mother I agreed I moved in with him, one night we went on our first date

A girl flirted with him and he flirted with her when a guy came to the table and spoke to me, he got angry and snapped

He spoke to my ex boyfriend I think and he probably lied to Damon and Damon believed what ever with his ex girlfriend Britneys help

That day when we went back home he chased me out and told me to leave the state, knowing because his famous I left, I want to go back because my mother has woken up, she has been asleep for 27 years full!"

I said looking at a now understanding Aston

"Who were you talking to on the phone?" He asked looking at me to see if I lie

"my best friend, Veronica, she told me about my mother?" I said honestly, why would I lie I have nothing to hide

"Does Tyreke abuse you and force you to stay with him, yes or no?" he asked causing my head to snap and look at him,  how does he know, defeated I let out a sigh and tell him yes

"Okay we will go to New York, I will tell him to dump you with a lie, now go sleep you look tired!" He said causing me to throw him a small smile and nod standing up and leaving.

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