He laughed and broke their embrace, "You are as awkward as Tino claimed you were."

Her eyes narrowed on their own accord, "Tino has been spreading some pretty nice things about me. I must have a talk with him."

He chuckled and patted her head, "Don't worry. He told us everything good and awkward about you. I am pretty sure all the men in our headquarters know by now that you are very intelligent, your baking is the best, you are scared of horror movies and that you love ice cream."

An unexpected laugh left her lips. Tino was acting like such a soccer mom who boasted about their kids to other soccer moms and made sure they knew everything about their child. And the thought was funny to her. Maybe Tino was the second Leo.

Sal's eyes shone with amusement for a second before it vanished. The can't-show-even-the-slightest-sign-of-weakness-in-front-of-others trope was on for him.

He gained their attention again and nodded to the second guy who was standing straight at the end of the opposite couch, "This is Mason. One of our men. Sometimes assists Elijah with work."

Mason gave her a nod and she nodded in return. So he wasn't very close. Noted.

"And this is Xavier. One of our men and now your tutor." He said as he nodded to the last guy sitting on the couch. He looked in his early twenties and was dressed the most casually in a tee and jeans while an easy smile rested on his lips, making his eyes crinkle.

She turned to Sal, confused, "A tutor?" She had all her homework done- even the next week's one- and they had seen her previous report cards. Did they think she would not be able to manage her studies now? Why did she need a tutor? Had they gotten a call-

"He'll be teaching you Italian," Sal informed her, breaking her train of thoughts. She blinked as his words took a second to register. Italian?

"Uh I don't know why I need to-"

"Because it is our first language and you should know it."

"Excuse me," She raised a hand, "But my first language is French. Then Turkish since my late grandma was Turkish and mama wanted me to know the language. Then English. And then maybe Italian." She clarified.

He raised an eyebrow, "Dad's first language is Italian. Our mafia is the Italian mafia. So it is technically our first language."

"No. It is your first language. It's my fourth language. And before I moved to the States, I used to speak horrible English because I only ever knew French or Turkish. We have different upbringings, Sal."

He mused, "Clearly. But this doesn't eliminate the fact that Italian is important for you to learn. Maybe we should get you an English tutor as well?" He suggested.

"No." She looked at him incredulously, "I improved on my own since then. That was four years ago." There were still times when she had difficulty reading a completely new word but that was normal.

"If you say so. But you need to learn Italian. And Xavier would guide you through it." Sal informed.

She nodded. She could learn it on her own but it would be better to have someone to guide her through it. Learning a language wasn't easy.

Sal stood up in one fluid motion and adjusted his coat, "I have a meeting to get to. Leo would be home in a while. You can discuss the timings with Xavier." He informed, placed a swift kiss on her head and moved towards the door. Elijah gave her one last smile and then left behind him along with Mason.

She looked towards Xavier who had already taken out his journal, probably setting their schedule up. He gave her a smile, "So when would you like to learn?"

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