"You're kinky." Marie said with a laugh.

"I'm pregnant, not dead." She deadpanned, causing then all to laugh at her obvious sexual frustration.

"My Cane is all about building a romantic experience." Marie said, shedding some light on their own sex lives. "He makes dinner, lights candles, puts on music, wants to talk about anything and everything-"

"He talks?" Samantha said in shock.

"He doesn't shut up sometimes." Marie rolled her eyes with a laugh. "He's a very sensitive man. Shocking, I know. When we first met I thought he was a brute thug, but he's one of those gentle giants. And when he makes love, dear God he puts his soul into it. I feel like my own soul is leaving my body."

"Jacob for the most part is sweet and gentle." Hollie said with a blush, being the more modest one in the group. "When we're at home, each time is like our first time. He treats me like I'm so fragile, and precious. I think really the only time he ever really listens to me is when he's trying to satisfy me, he wants to meet my every need, and seeks my praise for his good behavior. It's really cute, actually."

"Fuck that, Jacob. I want to know about at work Jacob." Samantha said with an arched eyebrow leaning in.

Hollie let out a little laugh and pressed her hand at the base of her neck as her cheeks flushed. "Uh, well..."

"Go on." Elizabeth words were leaning as she too was interested.

She already knew about Cane being on the sensitive side, but Jacob tended to be muted and more elusive with his own personality and her insights so far into their personal relationship had been shocking to the say the least. Jason and Mark had not spoken to their mates about the recent situation between Jacob and Hollie, as they knew their women wouldn't keep their damn mouths shut, so all the women were left to grasp at, is what Hollie was willing to give them.

"He's a little more possessive. I would say. A little more commanding." She said diverting her eyes, not having the same bold openness the other women seemed to have. "He's definitely two different people when it comes to work and home."

"He likes it rough?" Samantha said with a grin and couple prodding nods.

"Uh.. well. He likes to be in charge. I would say." Hollie said back mutely.

"He bent you over his desk once or twice, did he?" Marks mate continued to prod in interest Hollies face entirely coated now in crimson.

"Sam, leave the girl alone." Elizabeth laughed out noticing Hollies growing bashfulness.

"Well..." Hollie continued, opting not to take Elizabeth's offer of reprieve. "When we would be at work, if he was stressed he wanted me under his desk. It was funny, cause he would call me in and it always started like,-" she began to mock his tone with straighter shoulders and a hand on her chest to accentuate manliness. " 'Hollie, I'm in need of some assistance. Would you be willing to help me with this matter?' It was kind of... exciting? I guess you would say.. because he'd continue to work on his paperwork but then I'd know when he was getting close because he'd stop and begin to become distracted. He'd try to stifle his sounds and then he would grip my hair with both hands-" she said showing with her own as she tightly grabbed at her towel covering her own locks on top of her scalp. "And he would tense up and take over control of my movements and tell me how much of a good girl I was or something along those lines, and then when I was finished he would pull me on his lap and cradle me and whisper words of his contentment."

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