Just as Kangmin said, he does indeed send a text later than midnight. Wonder what he does, just finished working this late.

Curious, she does her own research about Haruto. Turns out he's from a 12 member boygroup called Treasure which debuted under YG Entertainement throught the survival show YG Treasure Box. She also looked up the member's biodata out of curiosity. Turns out Haruto is someone the same age as her, and shockingly there are members that is younger than her. She thought the youngest idol is someone born in 1999, time has certainly passed a lot since the last time she keeps an eye on the entertainment industry.

After fulfilling her curiousity, she places her phone back on the wireless charger, once again drifted off to sleep.

"That's it for today's lesson, wait for the school bell ring before heading out. Thank you class, see you again next week." Mrs. Choi walks out of class after she finished teaching the last period 10 minutes early before the bell rang.

Yuna stretches out her back, arching backward toward Nami's seat, "ready to meet prince charming?"

"He's just someone who accidentally has my belongings, I'm not simping over him." Nami said calmly as she tidies up her books.

"I did some research, he's got the good looks! Also, he's our age, 17. Probably also a junior at Hansung. Here, look at this," Yuna shoves her phone to Nami's face.

It's a picture of Haruto "I do admit he does have the handsome face. Not changing anything tho."

Yuna scrunches her nose, "let's see what you'll say after meeting him."

"Also, please be careful. Be careful around cameras and his fans, they're quite delusional. Make sure you're safe, okay?" Yuna grabs my hand worryingly

Nami giggles, "okay mother."

*bell rings*

"Alright, that's my cue. See you on Monday!" She waves to her best friend

Yuna waves back, "give me updates! And also some photos, hehe."

The dismissal bell rang quite late; it's now currently 17.04. She checked her phone to see if there's any message from Haruto indicating his arrival, but there wasn't, so she didn't rush. Walking from the school to Lavania Hideout took about 10 minutes. Quite a workout, she thought.

Just before she opens the cafe door, a figure in a black hoodie and mask taps on her shoulder.

"Pardon, are you Kim Nami?"

Nami turned around, facing the person behind her, "may I help you?"

The man opened his mask. Revealing his face. It's the same person that was shown on Yuna's phone earlier, Haruto Watanabe.

"I'm Haruto, nice to meet you," he said as he put his mask back on.

He is handsome indeed. Nami thought to herself.

"Nice to meet you too, I'm Kim Nami."

He smiles, "let's go inside it's chilly here," as he holds open the door for Nami to enter.

Haruto picks out the table on the corner of the cafe. Away from the people inside, even though there's only 2 other customer inside.

"Here's your bag," Nami puts Haruto's bag on top of the table, "you can check it first."

"Thank you, but I'm thinking of ordering a coffee first since we're already here in a nice cafe. Should we?" He took a cue to order things from the cashier.

Nami followed behind, "I'll order for you, what do you want to drink? People will see you."

"Don't worry, people won't recognize me with this camouflage. Let's order together," He said in a happy tone.

After grabbing coffees for themselves, they seated again. Finally exchanging their bags.

"Here's your bag. Don't worry, I keep the research thesis paper safe." He said

Nami checked over her thesis paper, checking again and again. Haruto giggles at her, "do you really care about your paper more than your electronics? Aren't you afraid I will steal your MacBook or iPad?"

She gives him a joke-glare, "yeah, I dropped every single blood, sweat, and tears of mine during the winter break for this baby. And I believe as a celebrity you have enough money to buy your own electronics, so why should I worry?"

He lets out a laugh, "you got a point there."

"I found it funny, actually," she said

"What? Did I say something weird?"

She laughs, "no. Yesterday morning accident. How our bag got switched. When I think about it, it's weird to see a celebrity like you commute to school with the public bus. Plus the accident itself is really funny."

Haruto scoffs, "I worked hard to obtain that freedom you know. My manager usually drives me around but yesterday I finally got the permission to go to school by myself, just like a normal teenager."

"And how exactly are you here right now without your manager?"

He raise his eyebrow slyly, "I escaped."

Nami's eyes widen, "what if you got caught?"

"They'll probably expel me," he laughs, "just kidding, it's my group's day off."

"I found something funny too," he said, "Kangmin told me about you yesterday, asking around about me like some kind of detective and people thought you were my maniac fan. I laughed when he told me that."

"He exaggerates! I just ask a couple of people about you and they either call me 'another Haruto's fan' or straight up flirts, like they never seen a girl in their life. Luckily Kangmin helped me."

"What do you expect from an all-boys school?" He laughs

"Also, I didn't expect my bag to be switched with a celebrity. Don't blame me for that," she said as she sips on her coffee

They talked a bit more, until,


A camera sound was pointing at them nearby.

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