je veux me baigner toute la journée

Start from the beginning

"I'm not listening to your album, Harold."

"That's not my name! And it's my birthday!" Harry retorts.

"Exactly! It's sad to listen to your own music!"

"Is not! Let's let Nix choose! How about that?"

All eyes look to me, waiting for my decision. Don't get me wrong, I love Harry's album, but I have had to listen to it a lot on tour. But then I've also had my fair amount of listening to Jason Mraz songs thanks to my mum.

"Can I just pick one song?" I ask.

"Of course, darling." Harry smiles, his eyes loving me more.

"Can we play 'Hey There Deliah' by the-"

"Plain white t's, got it! Good choice!" Gemma nods.

The next three minutes is spent in absolute, pure silence. We all share the same admiration for music, and songs like this one have a way of getting straight to people's hearts, young, old and in the middle. Luckily, there are no more arguments thanks to the short duration of the car trip, much to Anne and I's pleasure.

It's sweet seeing Harry with his family. He seems so comfortable, and lively when he's with them. I wonder if this is how he felt seeing me with mine?

We all walk into the little corner pub, our eyes immediately adjusting to the dark light. It's pitch black in here. The only thing guiding me that it is in fact a pub, and not an abandoned store, is the musty smell of aged beer stains. It's an odd kind of charming.

"Are you sure it's open, mum?" Harry asks quietly.

Just as he finishes speaking, a loud bang goes off, and the lights are blared on, blinding us for a second. My heart falls back into rhythm as I take in the new surroundings.

Standing in the room are all of Harry's best friends. I see Mitch, wearing a big party hat, Adam in similar attire, and Sarah and Charlotte in beautiful dresses. Harry's manager is also here, dressed in his usual clothing but daring to go for discreet, colourful socks. There are also a few of Harry's older friends from high school here as well.

I look at Harry. His eyes are lit up, not only by the rainbow streamers that Mitch has accidentally let off, but also by such a pure joy that outshines everything. He looks golden right now. He beams, his dimple deeper than ever and his smile so brilliantly bright and wide. He looks down at me.

"Did you do this?" He questions, stunned.

"With some help from Gemma and your mum, yes," I smile, squeezing his arm gently. "I thought you would like something like this."

His smile is one of the best things I've ever seen. It's thankful, and grateful, and proud all in one, and it's enough to make me almost tear up in joy that I got this right. Harry leans down to kiss my forehead, simultaneously pulling me to his chest in an embrace. A few people awe.

"Thank you so much darling." He whispers in my ear so that only I can hear it.

"You deserve it," I pull apart. "Now, go and have fun!"

Just as I say this, Mitch sets off the streamers again, finally getting the timing right. Laughs are heard as more start firing the little cannons of colourful shredded paper, creating a cloud of faint smoke.

By the end of the day, I can't tell you how many cupcakes I ate, and how many lemonades I drank. I even had a sip of Harry's beer, that's how fun it was. We danced, and partied to our hearts content, probably being a bit too loud but we don't care. It was incredible.

Now, I'm sitting cross legged on top of the bar. Bottles of alcohol surround my every direction, none opened, but the temptation was definitely there during a few points of the night. I had to stop Harry from having too many shots during a game of 'never have I ever', let's just say that.

The only reason he won was because of his poor driving history.

"Hey baby..." He sings.

I laugh and open my arms for him to fall into gently. Harry does just that. It's nice, because for once I'm at equal height level to him thanks to the tall bar counter I'm sitting on. I play with his curls, separating the thicker ones into more. His breath is soft and tender on the bare skin of my neck as he buries his head into my hair.

"What are you doing?" I giggle.

"Loving you..."

I pause for a moment. This is so ordinary. This is the kind of relationship that i could've been jealous of a few months ago, and now I have it. Not to mention it's with the best human in the world.

"Harry, stop that..." I laugh, tilting my head back as he starts peppering my neck with sweet little kisses of love.

He chuckles, and keeps going. He trails them up and down the side of my neck, along the open skin of my shoulders, and finally back to behind my ear. It feels so pure. There's a certain touch of innocence to it that makes me resist saying no. Let's be honest, I wouldn't say no anyway.

"I love you so much, Nix... So much."

I know it's probably the alcohol talking, but the way he said those three words, those eight letters of love means so much more now than when he first said it. I'm not completely sure why. Perhaps it's because I got a glimpse at how boring life is without having him beside me all the time.

I gently pull at his hair, making him look straight at me. Apart from the fogginess from an alcoholic daze shadowing his eyes, he's still the same beautiful man I first met.

"I love you too, Harry... So much."

We bathe in this peaceful silence for a while, wrapping our arms around one another to take us to safety from the world's ever present worries.

This is what love is, I think. The ability to have comfortable silence, and enjoy it without having to constantly speak. With my hands in his hair, and his hands resting carefully on my hips, I'm content.

"Can we make a promise?" Harry suddenly murmurs.

"Of course. What is it?"

He stands tall to give me a quick kiss on the lips before speaking. I cherish the sparks it causes, every shade of blue and gold and white you could imagine.

"Promise to always love each other like this," He sighs happily. "Because I don't know what I would do without it."

I think I can do that.


what has been your favourite #hixie moment so far?

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