I actually decided to dress something nice, just so Joane doesn't say I didn't even try. I picked a very simplistic black dress that was maybe too professional for a bar but I'd hate to wear something that would make Jasmin, or whatever's his name, think that I'm dressing up for him.

"Don't make a mess out of this house while I'm gone," I say looking at Blackie still laid in the very same spot she was this morning. She only ever gets up to eat and to lay with me on the bed, I've tried to make her sleep on her own bed but it's useless. She does what she wants, she's the ruler, this house belongs to her now.

The bar isn't very far and it's near the restaurant Joane and I had gone to before when she thought Mark had been cheating on her. I agreed to go because she needed a shoulder to hold her sad-ass, and I'm not a monster.

We still don't know for sure if he did cheat or not but because of the lack of concrete proof and the children, Joane decided to put it aside. I've never been very fond of Mark but after that, I just can't stand him.

"Look who decided to show up," Joane says as I near the table she was in, by her side sat Mark and another guy that I'm guessing must be Jamon, there are also some of our coworkers that we talk the most to including John.

"Very nice to finally meet you, the name is James, you might have heard of me already," he says with a yellow smirk. This guy must be at least 50, they say charm comes with age but in this case, the only thing that came with his age is that huge bald spot on top of his head.

I just gave him an uncomfortable smile that he most likely noticed and shook his extended hand. "Esther," I say simply, sitting down near Patricia — the supervisor of the journaling department — instead, one empty seat between us.

I could feel Joane shaking her head from the corner of my eyes. It's not my fault the dude looks like a complete creep, and he's an insurance agent, that screams boring in every possible language. I can't stress it enough.

"Drinks on me tonight," he says clearing his throat, seemingly trying to change the topic.

"How generous," a voice comes from behind me, I don't have time to recognize it, Louise sits down on the empty seat beside me. "Sorry, I'm a little late."

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, Esther. I invited Miss Bouvet to join us tonight," Joane says with a hint of amusement. "Must be hard being new to the city."

"I bet."

"This is Mark my husband," Joane starts introducing everyone at the table. "James, a friend of ours, Patricia and Ahmed from another department, and John and Esther, you already know them."

"The new intern, I see," Patricia says, extending her hand to Louise. "I've heard about you."

"Good things I hope," Louise answers with a smile, shaking her hand.

"Uhm—" Patricia eyes me, she definitely did not hear good things from me. "Of course, darling."

"How old are you? You seem young," Jamil butts in.

"I'm 21, I guess I really am the youngest one at this table."

"The second youngest is John at 26 and then Esther at 28, you fall behind by a lot," Patricia says.

"Mind you, I'm already 29," I shake my head. "So you really did forget about my birthday."

"Did you think I purposefully didn't wish you a happy birthday?"

"Who knows? You hold grudges very easily."

"Oh yeah, you did stop talking to us for a week when we didn't invite you to our own private department party," Joane says, raising an eyebrow.

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