Author's Note

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HOLD IT! YES, I'M TALKING TO YOU, THE ONE WHO'S ABOUT TO SKIP THIS AUTHOR'S NOTE!!! PAY ATTENTION!!! Now, I know this is probably not your first time seeing an author's note when reading stories and I'm begging you to please read through this one.

If you have read my author's note from my other novel called 'Pokemon: Ultra Guardians' congratulations, you'll be free to leave! 

If you have not...well first off, go and read my first novel (title above) because this one will only make sense once you read the first one. 

If you have and wanna read my note again, feel free to do so. If you haven't, I suggest you read it since it'll provide details about my writing.

Story Notes: A few of the notes that talks about what happens in the actual story is that while I'm imagining the plot, I wanted to do something that I call 'Permanent Mega Evolution' and that is where if a pokemon mega evolves, it will stay mega evolved for the rest of its life.

A quick note too is that after finishing this note and clicking on the next chapter, if there isn't a Prologue, it means that I am still working on it. I feel like adding a Prologue with give the story more structure so while reading through my stories and you see a notifiction saying that I have either published or edited another chapter, please go check it out!

Writing Notes: This story was written by me as my writing skills develop so many of the times as I continue to write, I will look back and experience the cringe caused by those terrible chapters and 'edit' them (AKA changing the entire story.)

If you are wondering why I hadn't updated for a while, its definetly not because I had quit Wattpad, its because I'm editing one of my chapters or had ran into writer's block. If you are really scared that I have quit Wattpad, send me a private message and I will absolutely respond within a week's time. If I don't, please don't give up on this story for I am trying my best to make this a series!

Lastly, I really want you to pay attention to the dates at the bottom of every chapter. I have included the date published, edited, and word count. So if you are wondering if my chapter styles look any different, compare the dates at the bottom and make your hypothesis that I had probably not edited that cringy chapter.

Anyways, hope this didn't take up too much of your time and have fun on your journey through my hopefully edited chapters in the Pokemon World!

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