Chapter 1

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I woke up, still feeling tired and sleepy. It's already 8 AM and I just slept for ten hours.

It's annoying whenever I wake up in the middle of the night, I didn't get enough sleep.

I grabbed my phone, looking for any updates.

The last photo I uploaded got 456,789 likes in just 3 hours. It's a picture of me sitting on the couch here inside the room.

I received thousands of DMs from everyone. Well, it's hard to be gorgeous.

I took a shower and picked my clothes. Tyler texted me saying he wanted to eat brunch with me at Starbucks near the hotel.

After taking a bath, I picked some oversized black shirt, denim pants and sneakers.

I used my mom's last car before we leave California ten years ago.

I arrived at Starbucks and Tyler waved at me. I sat infront of him. He's wearing a gray hoodie and a facemask to hide his face, he paired it with denim pants and sneakers.

"What do you want?" He asked me while smiling.

"Uhmm, I'm fine with Blonde Roast and Cheese, onion and garlic bagel." I said and he ordered.

He ordered the same thing for him and we started eating.

We talk, we laugh and bond with each other. I missed Tyler so much.

"By the way, I was invited at a party tonight. So I was thinking if... you can come with me and have fun?" He asked.

"Sure, I'm on a vacation and I should have some fun. And I want to spend some time with you more, you know I missed you," I said then he laughed.

"Who else is going to the party?" I added while drinking my brewed coffee.

"Uhh, I don't know. I don't care about them," we both laughed. This dude is crazy. I don't know why he doesn't care about anyone all the time.

We went to the mall and did some crazy stuff. We played in an arcade, we bought some Coldstone ice cream and waffles.

We won two teddy bears in arcade with the basketball shooting game. Of course, a professional basketball player would win.

He bought three corndogs and didn't give me one.

"Why are you so mad? It's just a corndog..." He said.

"Idjot!" I shouted at him and started punching his shoulder but all he did was laugh. I really like how Tyler and I get along.

He stood up and I punched him again. "Stop laughing Tyler!!" I shouted. Everyone is looking at us and smiling, wait .. do they think we are a couple?

Okay, I feel embarrassed, imagine getting people's attention.

I held his arm and stood up, he wrapped his arms around my shoulder and we got out of the mall.

We went to Burger King and ordered three burgers.

"I'll go buy something, wait for me here," he said and I nodded. I'm too busy eating burgers so i don't care about him.

Thirty minutes have passed but Tyler was still not here so I wondered where did he go. I started panicking, what happened to that ugly man.

I called him and I felt relieved when it rang. But the phone on my table also rang. WHAT THE HECK! Tyler left his phone!

I panicked again. What if that man got into an accident?

I'm biting my lower lip trying to stay calm.

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