💪 ᴀ sʜᴏʀᴛ ʙᴜᴛ sᴛʀᴏɴɢ ᴍᴄ💪 (All)

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Request: 'Can I get some headcanons for some short but strong reader? They're tiny but don't underestimate them as they pack a punch if need and can keep up with even Beel!' - anon on tumblr

Cracks knuckles, yes I can 😼
** ^I didn't write anything for a day after writing that and I find that hilarious

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+ When he first saw that you were short he assumed he'd just have to put in more work to ensure your safety
+ Boy was he wrong
+ He first saw your strength when you literally picked up his desk and moved it to get his attention
+ His face was priceless, an exquisite mix between being impressed and being astonished
+ "MC. . .there are other ways to catch my attention."
+ He wouldn't admit to how taken aback he was, his pride wouldn't let him
+ But every time he caught you winning a fight or helping some capable looking bulky demon carry heavy objects he held a pleased smile on his face
+ He didn't quite realise it, but seeing his favourite human so independent and strong brought him not only a sense of relief but adoration
+ He loves someone who can take care of themselves
+ But please let him be protective of you sometimes it feeds his ego

+ At first he complained about having to take care of a tiny weak human
+ But after you literally picked him up by the collar when he 'borrowed' one of your prized possessions he did a full on 180
+ He went from complaining and dragging you around to following after you and making sure you were comfortable, treating you like a pharaoh
+ "Oi MC, ya' know ya' could fool a lotta demons into arm wrestling with ya' for bets. It'd make sooo much Grimm-"
+ You threw a pillow in his face and practically knocked him over.
+ Whenever you got into a fight or were doing something in physical ed that required strength he'd be cheering you on in the back
+ "That's my human!"
+ People come running to collect his debts and he just pushes you forward to deal with them
+ Up to you if you do or not but c'mon how can you resist those puppy dog eyes?

+ Levi finds it cute how short you are but that's pretty much it
+ You're a normie just like everyone else so he keeps to himself like always
+ That's until you knock on his door, kind enough to bring him one of his deliveries
+ "M-MC, h-how are you carrying that?"
+ He then rambles on to you about this manga it reminds him of named 'I needed a new bodyguard but I didn't think it would be my ssscsB (super short super cute secretly BUFF) secretary!'
+ From then on he looks up to you, especially since you threaten anyone who bullies him and his interests
+ You know that 'excuse me, he said he want no pickles' meme?
+ Yeah <3
+ He also really loves how strong your arms are when you hug him, it makes him feel wanted and calms down his envy

+ He found your shortness adorable, it reminded him a cute little kitten
+ Because of this he'd often pat your head or be quick to grab a high object for you with a gentle smile
+ But one day he was reading in the library and caught you reaching for a book from the corner of his eye
+ And oh shit the bookcase started falling
+ Before he could jump in to protect you, your small stature caught the shelves and restored it back to its original position with ease
+ For the first time in a while the usually cool demon had a flabbergasted look on their face
+ He didn't bring it up at first, simply analysing every moment he saw a display of your strength
+ One time, while your head was laying in his lap, he tried his best to calmly bring it up
+ "You know, for a human your strength is abnormally high."
+ You simply shrugged and gave him a cheeky smile

+ Oh you darling little thing! Asmo finds your height absolutely charming
+ He gives you plenty of attention, buying you clothes and doing your makeup if you'll let him
+ He loves picking you up and spinning you around
+ One day you guys are running late to a flash sale Asmo wanted to go to
+ "Hhhhh, MC we'll never make it in time- ack! MC?!"
+ You effortlessly picked him up bridal style and started darting towards the store, telling him you know how much he hates sweating
+ Although he's caught off guard he giggles and 'woooo's!' the whole way there, lightly swaying his legs in excitement
+ From then on he randomly asks you to princess carry him
+ He really enjoys the special feeling he gets when he gets carried, especially since the glow of happiness does wonders for his looks
+ "It's so attractive when people surprise you, don't you think MC?~"

+ When he first meets  you he's as careful as can be, you're a small human and he's quite a big demon so he'd never forgive himself for hurting you- it's unfair on you in his mind
+ He wants to hug you, really he does but he's scared of crushing your ribs so he settles for simple pats on the shoulder
+ Even then he's worried he might be hurting you
+ One day you two are just hanging out in the kitchen when you challenge him to an arm wrestle
+ He drops the toast in his mouth but quickly catches it. "MC. . .I don't wanna break your arm."
+ You jokingly take offence to his implication that you're weak and he quickly apologises
+ After you tell him you're sure for the fiftieth time he finally settles down and wrestles you
+ You felt that he let you win so you force him to do it properly
+ Asking if he let you win again he shakes his head, his violet eyes perplexed
+ He doesn't get how you're so strong but he doesn't say much about it
+ From then on he gives you super strong bear hugs and happily obliges to any arm wrestles

+ He first internally laughs when he sees you at the attic, thinking that you're definitely gonna die- you're tiny so you must be frail
+ But after the whole fiasco (I'm trying my best not to include spoilers rn 😩) he kinda feels protective of you and your perceived frailness
+ He wouldn't admit it though
+ When he first watches you beat Beel in an arm wrestle he looks wide awake
+ Afterwards he's just staring at your arm and poking it like some sort of fascinating organism
+ "MC open this jar for me I'm too tired to open it myself."
+ He wasn't strong enough to open the jar
+ Oh and he really appreciates the fact you're strong enough to sleep on top of
+ That's pretty much it, Belphie now has two sets of muscles taking care of him

+ Oh the human is so precious, so small, how lovely it is to see such diversity
+ He doesn't spend much time around you in your first few weeks of settling in, so that image of a small human has settled firmly in his mind
+ When you do finally meet him again with Asmodeus in your arms he's confused yet excited
+ "Oooh, I didn't know humans could have capabilities that are so different to their physical form!"
+ He's kinda upset he was the last one to find out about your strength
+ But you quickly made up for it by offering to carry him too
+ Yes, carrying the demon lord himself, Lucifer had to pinch himself
+ He really wants to play fight with you but he won't say anything because it doesn't fit his title

+ The butler had already foreseen your display of strength so he didn't pay much mind
+ He found it funny (in the sweetest way possible) how short you were in comparison to him and the rest, but he dared not say anything above a cloaked joke that only he would understand
+ Still, when he saw you carrying Asmo and Diavolo it definitely seemed strange
+ Even though he knows you have the strength for it he never lets you help out with any labour, insisting you leave it to him
+ And although you're strong, you're still short so he'll often assist you in reaching hard to reach objects
+ "I'm sorry MC, but I cannot let you pick me up," he says, pointing a whisk at you

+ He lightheartedly makes fun of how short you are
+ Holds stuff you need high up so you have to jump to get it
+ When he first sees your strength he doesn't make a big fuss of it but he definitely applauds you for your talent
+ "Brains over brawns MC, brains over brawns."
+ "I'd like to see how your brains can block my fists, Sol."
+ Sometimes he'll jokingly punch you and you'll jokingly punch him back but you don't know your own strength so he's just
+ Smiling through the pain

+ When he sees how small you are he first thinks 'ah yes now I understand why humans want angels that protect them'
+ But he quickly reminds himself that he should never judge a book by its cover
+ Whenever he speaks to you he leans down, not wanting to intimidate you or have you feel unequal to him
+ He first learned of your strength when he sees your knuckles bruised with a few scrapes only to find out you knocked a demon who was threatening you out
+ Deciding to accompany you while you buy some flowers for the lower demon at the hospital, he's asking you all sorts- there is no way a human is THAT strong right!?
+ Like Lucifer he really admires your strength and that you can take care of yourself
+ He never outwardly condones any of your violence if you do fight back, he's an angel after all, but you always see a ghost of a smirk play at his lips

+ Short chaotic duo
+ Absolutely feral
+ Oh someone's bullying Luke? They get punted
+ Oh someones bullying you? Luke bites them
+ He did question if you were a demon at first because of your strength
+ But soon enough you gained his trust
+ Also most demons aren't that small

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