Pilot: S1; Ep1 Pt3

Start from the beginning

"That's fine work, detective."

"Thank you very much, sir. Testament to what can be achieved when you dress appropriately." Jake stands up to reveal the ridiculous speedo he's wearing, instead of pants. He reaches his fist across the table, "Let's pound it out." Holt stares at him incredulously and slightly amused.

"You know what, such fine police work, let's share it with the whole team." He says, walking away with a smile, "Santiago! Aberra! Boyle! Diaz!" Holt yells, while Jake awkwardly stands there, hopelessly shaking his head in disagreement with the captain, "Get in here! Bring everyone!" He turns away, but turns back with an after thought, "And bring a camera!"

Jake picks up a file hoping to cover himself up a bit, "That's not necessary... Oh they're here!" Jake awkwardly shifts from foot to foot, putting on a face smile to cover up his embarrassment.

Everyone gathers in with different expressions of surprise on their faces, "Let's have a hand for the work of the fine master detective, Jake Peralta." Everyone starts laughing at him, Gina even brings out her camera. (Y/N) feels bad for Jake, but even she can't help but let a few laughs slip at the odd predicament her best friend found himself in.

"Give him a hand everyone. Give him a hand." Holt continues, as everyone begins clapping and cheering.

"Yeah, nice!" Laughs Rosa.

"Model for us, Jakey!" (Y/N) teases, making Jake blush and embrace the embarrassment. He puts his hand on his hip and raises the file in his other. Someone wolf whistles.

"Looking good!"

"Yeah, Jake!"

~~Time Skip to Brooklyn Self Storage~~

"No record of Ratko on the ledger, must've used cash." (Y/N) tells Holt and Jake.

Jake leans into the front of the car, between Holt and (Y/N)- who are occupying the driver and passenger seats- and looks at them, "Well, I, for one, am just pumped to be on a stakeout with you captain." (Y/N) chuckles under her breath and shakes her head, "You know what my favorite thing about stakeouts is? Patrol guide says 'no dress code'. So I'm just the zip-up hoodie and my two best friends." He looks at (Y/N), ignoring the close proximity, and smiles.

"Does he always talk this much?" Holt asks, with an exasperated sigh.

"I like it when he talks, it fills the silence, even if it's about absolute nonsense and bullshit." She smirks at Jake who just playfully rolls his eyes.

"First of all, why do we always say 'bullshit'? Why not 'cowshit' or 'dogshit'? Secondly, captain, Terry told me you caught the Disco Strangler." (Y/N) turns to the both of them excitedly, enthusiasm adorning her features. Jake smiles as he watches her out of the the corner of his eyes, "That's incredible. I've read that case. With all do respect, sir, why'd it take you so long to get your first command?"

Holt takes a breath before replying, "Because I'm gay."

Jake chuckles before realizing Holt is being truthful, "Seriously?"

"I'm surprised you didn't know. I don't try to hide it." Holt replies. Jake thinks back for a moment on all the things he missed or ignored.

"Damn! I am not a good detective."

"When did you come out? If you don't mind me asking." (Y/N) says, speaking up after a moment. Holt turns to her.

"About 25 years ago. The NYPD was not ready for an openly gay detective. But, then the old guard died out. Suddenly, they couldn't wait to show off the fact that they had a highly ranking gay officer. I made captain. But, they put me in a public affairs unit. I was a good soldier. I helped recruitment, but all I ever really wanted was my own command and now I finally got it. And I'm not going to screw it up." He says with a smile glancing at his two detectives.

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