Where have you been all my life?

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Ashton gave me a ring, because he said he couldn't wait for Valentine's Day. No, it wasn't an engagement ring, but I love it. ( the rings in the picture) everyone just decided to go for a walk in the park. I decided to walk on my own for a bit. As I'm walking, I see a girl. A redhead, with a bit of freckles, and... A birthmark on her knee? I walk up to the girl.
"Hi." I say to the girl, facing towards the pond, feeding the ducks.
"Hello, what's your name?" She says as she faces towards me with a smile on her face.
"My name is Addison. What's yours?" I ask her politely.
"Rose. Rose Ramsey. You look a lot like my sis-"
"ROSE!" I scream as I hug her tightly. I begin to cry into her shoulder as she rubs my back. The boys run up to me and ask if everything's alright. I just keep crying into Rose's shoulder.
"Addison, I've missed you so much."
"What about mom and dad?" I ask her.
"They don't know." She says.
"They... They think you're dead. Rose, you need to come with us. We have to Skype mom and dad." I say.
She hugs me tightly and we take her back to the tour bus. I introduce Rose to the boys, and her and Michael were hitting it off. We set up Skype and mom answers.
"Hey Addison! Oh, and who's this? A friend?" Mom asks.
"No, more like a sister." I say. Mom bursts into tears.
"Brian! Addison found Rose!" My mom yells, and soon my whole family is gathered around the laptop. Even my nephew, Max.
"Rose, you're coming on tour with us." I say to her.
"Okay. what do you guys do anyways?" She asks us.
"Music. We're on tour for music Rose." I say. I get up and squeeze Rose again.
"Where have you been all my life?"
"In a creepy old man's basement up until a month ago, thanks." She says with a smile.
"Sorry." I say.
"It's fine. So are you dating one of these fine lads?" Rose asks me, wiggling her eyebrows.
"Yeah, that one. His name is Ashton. He's a drummer." I say to her. I say pointing to Ashton as her looks through the fridge.
"Nice choice." She says.
"Guys, I'm going to go to the park for a walk... Alone, if that's okay." Calum says.
"Yeah, okay I guess." We all say as Calum leaves the tour bus.

I was walking through the park until I saw a girl. She had Long brown hair and green eyes.
"Ummm, Hi." I say as I walk up to the girl.
"Hi, I'm Stormy. Stormy Pierce. what's your name?" She says as she picks the daisies off of the ground.
"Calum Hood." I say.
"Oh, aren't you from that band, 5 Seconds of Summer? You guys make great music." She says with a smile.
"Yeah. Yeah I am. I'm the bassist." I reply.
"Oh, I know. I'm not stupid." She says.
"Well, you seem really nice. Can I get your number?" I ask her.
"Of course." She says, putting down her flowers and writing her number in my hand with a pen.
"Thanks. I'll see you around, I hope?" I say.
"Meet me here tomorrow." She says sternly but with a smile, picking her flowers back up.
"Where has she been all my life?" I say quietly as I walk back to the tour bus.
Hey! I hope you liked this chapter, because I sure did. Anyways, have a great day. ;)

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