chapter twenty four

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Korra had never been in love before.

She ran her hands through her well dried hair for about the sixth, maybe seventh, time in the past fifteen minutes. She stood in front of the long sideways mirror in her bathroom above the sink. You couldn't say that she was necessarily nervous, but an aching, anxious feeling has been residing in the bottom of her stomach for the past week.

Tonight was her first real date with Asami, and she would make sure that everything would go according to plan. If not that, then it had to be better.

She spent the last few days sorting out everything to the very last detail, with the help of a few other people as well. Those few other people being Opal, Bolin, her parents, and even some of her closer co-workers who she knew were good with that kind of stuff. 

She rolled her shoulders backwards, then patted down her clothes for the last time before she would leave to pick up Asami. Korra had picked the attire for the night, so both her and Asami would be wearing relatively comfortable clothing that would suit the end-of-summer-weather. Korra wore a simple pair of black jeans that fit rather nice, purposefully cupping her butt, along with a loose light blue shirt with a v-neck cut, purposefully showing off her cleavage. 

Lucky enough for her, Opal had offered to have Naga at her place for the night, just incase Korra had decided to stay at Asami's place like she had planned. 

About ten minutes passed when Korra finally got the notification that her uber was approaching. She was thankful that she had such a well paying job, considering all of the ubers and cabs that she takes everywhere. Driving just never seemed to catch on to her, even at the age of twenty seven. 

The ride was short, only around twenty minutes as always, but it still felt much longer to Korra. Her stomach began to coil at every all too familiar turn that her driver took. She'd been on first days before of course, many at that, but this was different. Asami was special and rare and ... she was Asami. There were too many emotions directed towards her for the night to go wrong somehow. This was a bigger deal than Korra wished it was. 

As the car was only about two streets away from Asami's, a lost idea from a week ago popped back into Korra's head. She leaned up from the back seat to grip the car's console.

"Do you think we could make a quick stop, please?"

"You know it charges more, right?"

Korra groaned and wondered why she always drivers with such high attitude levels. 

"Yes, I am very aware of how uber works." The driver shot her a second long glance, causing her to realize her own attitude had shown as well. "Uh, sorry. But seriously, I just need to pick up one thing. You can't say no to my money!"

Korra waited patiently, but also extremely impatiently, leaned up against the tan stone of Asami's building. Before she arrived, she had her driver stop by a small corner store where she was able to find the perfect gift for the start of what would be an amazing night; a single flower. It was a simple dark purple rose. She knew that to anyone else it would be classic, cheesy, or wouldn't mean much, but there was more to it than just being a 'basic' flower. Korra had previously looked up the actual meanings of the colors of flowers to know which one would fit best if she got any for Asami.

She learned that purple flowers have an otherworldly quality to them and radiate mystery and a somewhat secretive energy. They symbolize charm, grace, creativity, and elegance. They can also represent a strong romantic impression or an important transition for the near future.

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