chapter six

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11:12 hi asami!


why did that sound kinda creepy ... thats my bad !!

i promise i'm not a crazy stalker !!!!!!

anyways um we're both kind of diots 

i forgot to get ur number and u forgot to get mine but then u actually DID kind of give me yours but varrick is crazy as you know and forgot to do what you said so you probably thought i was ignoring you which i promise i wasn't !!

ALSO i'd still like to see you this thursday 

if you're free

11:49 it's korra by the way

12:01 korra from work

Asami couldn't help but laugh out loud as she re read her friend's texts messages for the fourth, maybe fourteenth time since she had woken up. She was a little upset that the one night she decided to go to bed early, something "important" actually happened in her sleep. The time on her phone said six twenty two am.

Is Korra awake right now? What time does she usually wake up? Is it too early to respond to her? 

It's definitely too early. 

With a short coming second thought, but ignoring it, Asami threw off her thick covers to stand up and stretch. Though she wished she could have spoken to Korra last night, she was thankful for how properly energized she felt. The engineer didn't have any meetings to attend to or calls to take for the day, but she did really need to work on at least one of her new inventions. Most importantly the design for the new car model. 

The woman scrolled through her phone for a few extra minutes, checking her other messages and emails, then afterwards walked into her bathroom to take a very long shower. She washed her body and hair quite quickly, so for the rest of her time under the steaming water she lost herself in thought. She pondered on a lot of things ... Mostly her upcoming inventions, but she also attempted to come up with solutions to still be able to meet up with the tanned woman in two days. 

Solutions like calling in sick for the conference came up, but she knew that if her father found out that she skipped something so significant for a little cough that she would never hear the end of it. Asami then thought of just rescheduling their plans all together, but she wasn't sure of Korra's schedule or if theirs would even line up frequently. 

Stepping out of the shower, the heiress wrapped her body with a towel and went back into her bedroom. As she always does after a bath, she checks her phone. It was still pretty early in the morning, so the only notifications she had received were mostly spam emails from god knows what she had signed up for in the past. Glancing at the time on her screen, she figured maybe sending a responding text to Korra wouldn't be such a bad idea.

It's not like if she's not awake the text won't go through.

Okay now what do I text? Maybe I could just say good morning to start. 

Asami re wrapped her towel to make sure it was secure before sitting on the edge of her bed, her phone clutched in her hand, the new message chat with Korra staying open. She felt like the bright blue texts were mocking her the longer she stared at them while biting the nails of her free hand. The green eyed woman grew frustrated with herself as she failed to find a simple combination of words. She texted Mako, Kai, and Wu and many other of her friends or acquaintances with no problem, so why was this so difficult for her? 

She grew a slight jealousy for Korra, thinking about how easy it probably was for her to send these simple messages, even if they seemed to have a bit of panic behind them. Asami tried a few starters, but deleted them all before they could even finish. A little while later, she finally decided on an answer. 

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