chapter four

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"That's incredible!" 

The tan woman beamed brightly as Asami told her about her in-the-making inventions. She was honestly surprised how interested Korra was. Usually when she tells the boys or other acquaintances about this kind of stuff they just wave her off or don't follow.

Korra though, she wanted to know about all of it. It made Asami excited, actually feel alive as she got to go into detail and explained things about her passion of being an engineer. 

The women were able to break apart from their friend groups, finding a small table for themselves in a dimmer corner in the bar. Asami was down two virgin Spicy Cactus and one Jasmine, Korra in a tie with three Jasmine. 

They stayed with their friends all together for a bit for proper introductions, and they all got along very well easily. However, they didn't really get to hear the story behind Mako and Bolin's fall out. Nothing more but "we don't really talk that much." This caused Asami to be curious in her close friend's past, she thought she knew everything about him but it's clear that she doesn't.

But the pale woman doesn't dwell on that then, instead, she took the reuniting for the second time in the night to her advantage and asked to speak with Korra. She found herself truly wanting to get to know her better, she already adored her personality and shamed herself a bit for not trying to converse with her more when she's in the building. Truth be told, the few interactions they had before this night, she always caught herself being a bit more nervous than she should be. It was odd, considering how she speaks to very important people almost daily and never had a problem.

"You know, I was honestly kind of intimidated by you for awhile ..." Korra paused while squinting her eyes slightly and wincing. "For, up until now I guess." 

Asami couldn't help but collapse in to her chair in laughter, holding up a hand to Korra letting her know that she needs a minute to collect herself.

"What's so funny?!" 

Angry pout. The angry pouts.  

Asami struggled to talk without laughing again, Korra just sat there staring in amusement but also confusion. 

"Okay, I'm good. But seriously? You were intimidated by me?"

"Um, well yeah? Can you stop laughing at me!" She defended herself quickly with crossed arms over her chest. "Why is that so hard to believe? You're like this huge, heir to the throne basically, super smart, bea- uh elegant, rich girl." 

Asami's neck heated up, and the warm feeling traveled up to her pale cheeks. She swiftly covered them with her hands and leaned her elbows on the table to make it seem more casual.

No no no no no no no no.

"Well, thank you for the compliments, but I'm hardly any of those things. Plus, I was kind of intimidated by you for ... up until now, I guess."

Korra's eyes nearly popped out of her head as she lost some breath from her lungs, going in to take a sip of her third Jasmine."Now, I know you're not being serious so I'll ignore that." 

"No I'm serious. You have no idea how many things I've heard about you." 

"You hear things about me?!" She leaned the upper half of her body over the table to get closer to Asami, making sure she hears everything she's about to say clearly. "Who's talking?" 

"It's Varrick mainly, and just some other people in the building, I'm not too sure on names. But it's all good stuff." Asami thought back to the many compliments that were said about Korra, and so far she had to agree with all of them. "They're mostly about your work ethic, how talented and humorous you are, although I can't say I can second that last one."

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