Chapter one

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*June Blair Willows*

-point of view-

Here we stood, alone but yet together. I could feel how he kept looking at me. Then I started laughing, I turned to look at him and sat down on the grass, he copied my movements and sat down too. For a long time, there was nothing to hear but the wind that grabbed the leaves and branches on the trees. But when he let out a sigh I turned to look at him.

"What's wrong, Roman?" I gently asked. I had known him for so long, that I easily could sense when something was bothering him. He looked away from me and ran his fingers through his thick and brownish hair, his jaw became tense and then he looked at me again, his eyes had become darker if that could even be possible.

"I saw how he looked at you June," he said and hesitated, I raised my brow at him, who? "How Will looked at you, how he looked at you like you were meat and he was the lion." He finished. I sighed looking at him, for almost a week he had been talking about Will, how he wanted to sleep with me, how he wanted to hurt me, break up with me and hurt me. Will and I were together and I knew how mad and frustrated it made Roman when he found out I liked Will, he was a whole other person when he was with me, he changed for me. I believed.

"Roman, really? This again.. Will and I are really good friends, he's my boyfriend too, of course he looks at me like that, he loves me and you shouldn't doubt a guy that has his guts to say it" I said and looked at him, he sighed and rolled his eyes at me. Of course he would do that, I got up from the ground and started to walk towards my home, when he grabbed my hand, "please stay June.." I pulled my arm back and turned to look at him, our eyes met as they had so many times before, but this felt different. "He hasn't even said the words to you June, has he.." Roman asked with hesitation in his voice, as I shook my head he sighed once more, I pulled my arm to myself and walked away.

"I need to go, Roman. You should too, it's late." I said, trying to avoid the awkwardness that had rained down at us so sudden. He laughed but with a hoarse voice. "Fine," he said, I knew he was irritated that we couldn't stay out talking this time, but I needed space, from him and from the others. It had been a stressful week and I definitely needed some time alone, some time alone from all of them. Just this weekend.

"Goodnight, June." He said and left, I looked at him until he disappeared down the road. I walked inside and locked the door, I couldn't hear anyone but I knew that no one was gone, we were all here, today. It was nice, not being the only one of us four left with mom. Ever since dad left, we all had to redo our routines and stay home a lot to help her with the daily stuff that dad used to do. We didn't go out partying as much anymore, we didn't get drunk as much, stay over at friends houses the next day or stay in our rooms for more than three hours maximum. We all needed to help as much as we could without reminding her that dad left with another woman. He was an idiot, and a complete jerk.

"June?" I turned around and sighed in relief when Kai stood in front of me with a glass of water in his hands, "aren't you cold?" I asked him, pointing to him standing without a shirt and in shorts, he laughed and said no, "why are you up?" He asked and I looked at the time on my phone, it was already half past three in the morning and I wasn't even tired, "I was out with Roman, just outside the house" I explained and pointed to the hill we had sat on. Kai smiled at me, "you should get some sleep okay?" He said and I nodded, he was right. It was a big day tomorrow and I couldn't miss it for lack of sleep.

"Goodnight." I said and hugged him, he kissed my forehead and whispered, "goodnight," back to me. I walked downstairs to my bedroom and turned my lights off and put on some music. 'It's over now' by Tedy played out of my speaker and I sang along to it. My bedroom door then opened, and in came my sister, I smiled at her and started to put some of my clothes in my closet and sat down in my chair while she had thrown herself onto my soft bed. I laughed.

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