2. Supplies.

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'So we head out and go to the area over on this side of the city.'

I point on the map as to where I meant as the others follow my movements.
'We need it to be quick, Evac will be following close behind, so we'll have 14 minutes to get the wounded out and to the rendezvous point. We have a window of three minutes after the earlier 14. In those three minutes we need to be there and load the wounded into the vehicle. The three minute window means that after those three minutes, everyone in or not, the Evac leaves.' I explain. They all look focused. 'Do you understand?' I ask. 'Oh-ah.' They all says. I nod and back away from the table. 'Get your shit together. Leaving at 1400.' I say.

I get my stuff together before sitting down on my bunk and looking over my plan one last time. This is the first time I lead people into a dangerous place, so I have to know everything. Every possible situation. Every possible danger. Every corner and street of the area we'll be in. Get the wounded guys of the team inside of the city out, resupply them, and head back. Easy fix.

'Lieutenant Harris?' The driver of the Humvee asks. 'Yeah. You driving behind us?' I ask. 'We'll be a couple of steps behind, meet at rendezvous.' I nod. He pulls out a map and lays it on the hood of the vehicle. 'The red line is our path in. We'll be passing you guys along the way, but we'll take a longer route to stay clear, we'll meet at the arranged time.' The driver says. I nod as I fold my arms. They have quite a long drive while our path goes into the city in one line. 'You know the rules right?' He asks. 'Three minute window. No more.' I say. He nods. I look at my time. Five minutes till we have to go. 'I'll get going. See you at rendezvous.' I say. 'See you there. Good luck.' I nod and walk off. 

I meet up with the guys, my gear with them. 'Ready boys?' I ask. A mixture of nerves and excitement shows.

We go there with two trucks. They're fast so we arrive at the outside of the city in no time. The gear that needs to go to the team inside stands ready. 'Lets pack it up.' I say, we all fill our bags and carry bigger crates before swiftly moving through the city. Seeing how I memorized the route we make no mistakes and arrive before time, giving us two extra minutes. 'Smithy, signal.' I say, he gives the signal to the group under fire, and when they cover us we make a break for it.

I'm happy to set the big crate me and Brooks were carrying down. 'Afternoon.' A dark blonde guy says. I turn away from the guys after checking if they were okay and look at the man in front of me. His arm is bleeding, first thing I notice, he's covered in dust as well. 'You are?' I ask. 'Sargent Adam (for people from the other story this is David.) Davidson. I shake the guys hand. 'Lieutenant Amy Harris.' I say. He nods 'what do you have?'

I show him the supplies we brought and he assigns some guys to take care of sorting it out. Smithy is shaking with nerves, but I don't notice yet. 'Hey Lieutenant, one of your guys is loosing his shit.' Davidson says. I turn to where he's pointing to notice smithy. I walk over and kneel down in front of him. 'Smithy get your shit together.' I say. He's hugging his rifle close to him. 'On your feet soldier. I can't have you sitting down.' I say. I help him up.

'Get down!' I hear something further back yell, but before I can do something an RPG goes through the window and the explosion sounds and a cloud of dust lifts up. We were far enough away to not get blown back, but when the dust clears a little some guys lay on the ground. I rush over to check, ducking down when passing the window. 'Everyone okay.' The first one I pass sounds like he's having trouble breathing. I drop to my knees and open the first buttons of his jacket, loosening his vest. His breathing is shallow and quick. 'Breath deeper.' I say. He tries but groans. The one a little bit away gets up slowly, patting off dust and readjusting his helmet. I whistle my fingers and the guys come over 'get everyone who needs to go to Evac.' I say. The guy in front of me gets taken as well. I watch as the other men that had fallen get to their feet.

Davidson has a hard time getting up, so I offer a hand. He takes it and groans as he gets to his feet. 'You okay?' I ask. 'Yeah, you?' He asks. 'Fine. Tell them that we're heading to Evac, whoever needs to join needs to come to the east side of the building.' He nods and walks off with a limp.

'Get everyone ready! Leaving in 4!'

"Almost"Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon