1. Deploy.

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The drive to the base has gotten a routine.
I get up, put on my uniform,

And drive down the highway.

A start off as Lieutenant is hard and complicated.
You start up high, instead of building your way up.

Yet I seem to have been doing well.
The guys in the platoon I lead have started to accept me,
and I've trained them ready for the first deployment.

Military nurse is what I signed up for after I got my degree, yet while being in college, I've been part time soldier. Luckily because of that I have some experience in the field, though I never thought I would be driving to the base to go on another deployment as medic. Let alone leading a platoon into fire.

I park my Landrover and head onto the airfield. Groups of people are waiting for their commanding officers to join.

'Good morning.' I say as I walk up. They all salute immediately. 'At ease.' I say as I set my bag down on the ground. 'Everyone got a good nights rest?' I ask. I see Smithy and Dolsen with pale faces. 'Yes ma'am.' Jonson answers. 'Alright. In...' I look at my watch to he it's 6:05 Am. 'Ten minutes the plane will be here. We get in and take our seat assigned to us. Get some rest while you do so, it'll be a long flight.' I say.

'Have you ever been to Bosnia, ma'am?' Brooks asks. Everyone seems a little nervous. 'I have.' I say. I've only been on three deployments in the two years I've been in the army, though I have been there. 'What is it like?' They asks. 'Less desert then you'd think. I don't know about the current war situation over there at the moment. I will have a briefing first thing after our arrival.' I explain. Some nod. 'Put down your bags and take a breath, I'll be back when the plane gets here.' I say.

I first go to smithy. He only just finished basic training, and is the newest and youngest of the group, age of 17. 'You okay smithy.' I ask. He clutches the straps on his bag as he nods, looking pale with nerves. 'You're going to do fine. I trust you. If you have any questions feel free to ask the guys or me, alright?' I say. He smiles weakly 'yes. Thank you Lieutenant.' He says.

I nod and walk over to Dolsen. 'How are you?' I ask him. 'I'm alright ma'am.' He says. 'I was nervous the first time I got deployed. I didn't know what to expect, but Iverson helped me out. Gave me an answer to every question I had.' I tell him. He seems to let out a breath 'that's good.' He says. 'It was. I known how much it helps, so come to me if anything's bothering your or if you have questions, alright?' I ask. He nods.


I turn to my basic training buddy Marksen. 'Hey.' I say as he walks up. 'The plane is a little later.' He tells me. 'Alright.' I say as I look over at his group. Marksen's group was easier to start with. They accepted him more then my group did me. He trained them well and they respect him for it. 'How are your guys feeling.' He breathes in deeply and straightens his jacket. 'Nervous.' He says. 'You?' I ask. 'Yeah me too.' He says. He's only been on one deployment. Going on only the ones he has no choice in. 'You're joining though, what could be so bad.' He says. I slap his back 'oh you'll find out.' I say as I turn away to head back over to my group. 'I'm sure I will.'

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